MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

Only groups with "D".

Oh, bummer. That would have been a really useful feature.

Oooh. Looking forward to more info on the d4. Does it have a good moonlight mode? UI?

Seems very interesting. Could you tell us more? Is it related (either technically or inspirationally) to GXB17? What variants are you planning? 6V? 8V? 12V?
Is there any timing info that you can share?

I guess if it’s not glued down, i can always change the board. I hope Hank doesn’t glue the MCPCB so it’s more mod friendly.

The sample light wasn't glued, but I'm not sure how production lights will be.

Any pictures?

This has me wondering what would be the quickest way to get one. US Shipping takes a lot longer from Hank, but he will probably have them available sooner unless you have a simultaneous-release thing set up.

I am not sure which way will be the fastest, but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself who you want your money to go to. Who will give you better and faster support if things go wrong? At the end of the day, I hope that's mostly what we provide, because the Chinese sellers can sell things cheaper than we ever could---they have a huge labor, shipping, and tax advantage, so if we want to stay relevant it had better be for reasons other than price, even though we do still try and be competitive there as well.

This is why I only buy from MTN electronics :slight_smile:

Hi Richard,

Not sure if it has been asked before but are you planning on stocking the Luminus SST-40 in P2 bin cool white? KD only has N4 bin and according to Djozz data and 18sixfifty observation it might be a better led than the XM-L2 with lower Vf and capable of more amps.

Something like a P2 Bin in any of the following cool white tints:

Luminus Tint / Cree equivalent Tint
BA => 1A
BB => 1B
BC => 1C
BD => 1D
CB ===> 2B

SST vs. Ansi white color chart for reference (Ansi white chart credit goes to flashlightwiki)


+1 :+1:

Exactly, which leads me to suggest perhaps a great idea Richard, well I think it’s a great idea, for me anyhow.
I’d always certainly put my money into Mt. Electronics coffers over any other vendor, absolutely, just like money in the bank, so here’s my idea,
If it’s not to terribly difficult, perhaps on your flashlight page you could setup the D4 lights page now with the various available options so we can order and pay you in advance of arrival, and then now the good part for me is, I could just forget about the fact it’s coming to Mt. someday and know that someday it’s coming directly to my mailbox,… :laughing:
This way you would have money in advance for other projects, and I know I have a D4 coming “Whenever”, and we are all happy, sounds rather brilliant to me… ha ha, maybe…?

That’s a pretty cool idea. I’d love to get a jumpstart on this light and knowing the specs and options ahead of time would be a nice thing for me.

As if Mtn would stop being relevant. No one else is even close. :smiley: Even if you closed up shop, you’d still be the gold standard everyone else gets compared to.

Mostly I just wondered if there was any kind of launch coordination planned, but you bring up good points. Each purchase is a chance to support good people who have raised the tide for the whole community, and that’s worthwhile in its own right.

Hurry up and get them Richard so I can buy them from you!

I would love to pre-order, but I'm always hesitant because I hate taking and holding people's money when I'm not 100% sure when the product will arrive. In this case since I'm dealing with IOS, I will put up a pre-order, but I am not going to put a definite date of arrival since I do not know exactly when that will be.

Is it going to be on your site, this thread or a separate thread? I’m very interested.

It will be on the website. I started working on the listing and will hopefully have it finished and up by tomorrow morning.

So which 18650 would you recommend for the D4?

30Q? GA? VTC6?

I pretty much only use GA cells in my lights and was leaning this way. I figure the little extra capacity would come in handy.