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Oh boy... Don't think it's sub 1 lumen. It's between 5 mA and 10 mA I believe.

Haven't heard anything bout a clip but I can ask.

Tom, it sounds like you are working with Hank on the FW? Is it a variation of Narsil? And what is the driver hardware, like is it a FET driver?

Please tell me there is a pocket clip for it? I don’t want to have to space it out for a solarforce if it fits. This is like the perfect UI and would replace my Zebralights!

Yes and yes. ATtiny85, classic FET+1. Easy simple design. Dunno all the details yet. I've been using it with a SANYO GA to back off a bit on the power/amps.

For the pocket clip, clearly on the 18650 tube there's an indent for a clip, though it looks narrow, actually the same indent and styling on both ends of the tube, but the tube is not reversible. There are many more threads on the tail end than the head.

I'll see if I can find a clip that fits.

I gave up buying flashlights several months ago, thankfully. It was a hobby/addiction for around 4 years or so. I had finally reached a point where I wasn’t interested in buying any more lights. Not sure what the secret was as I had tried many, many, times.

this offering is enticing :stuck_out_tongue:

just looked at the date I joined and it’s worse than I thought …. some 7 years.

Thanks for sharing some of the details Tom.

I added the deep pocket clip that Richard sells to my pre-order in hopes that it’ll fit this one. It’s more narrow than the one of my Astrolux S1 and I think I night be able to make it work. We shall see later this month. If not, I’ll use it on a Convoy light.

With the small size of this light, I was wondering if certain cells (30Q, VTC6 and others) might not be absolutely necessary. If it’s a scorcher at max lumens, a GA (which I use in almost all of my lights) might be plenty good.

I still ordered a few high drain cells though… :person_facepalming:

Don’t feel bad PBWilson for buying a couple cells,
You didn’t know that you should never use already used cells in a new light…?

I’ve got to use that line with my wife! :+1:

The UI seems also just about perfect for me. I too have a couple Zebralights and while I love them, I get a bit ocd/nervous and checking my pockets every few seconds for fear of losing them. This one being about 1/3 the price will let me rest easier and have a bada$$ light to light my way!

I’m also tempted by this new D4 light. I’m a fan of FET drivers and the FW is top-notch. I would get the cool white XPG2 and dedome them to get some respectable throw along with the big power/lumens.

My S2 with the triple carclo spot optic and dedomed XPG2 emitters does 26Kcd and makes a nice big powerful beam.

Aspire just told me that the cells are shipping today, so we should see them early next week. They have taken a while to ship, but I should have plenty to go around.


Tom, the light you got has the Nichia 219C 5000Ks in it. Did you forget about the e-mail I sent ya' less than a week ago? Oh're old. We'll cut you some slack.

You stole my line! I dunno what is which or which is what lately...

Note to readers: take everything I say with a grain of salt, or maybe lil more than a grain.

In terms of lumens would the nichia or XP-G2 win? I’m afraid the high Vf of the S4 2B might limit the output, while the 219C have been proven to pull 12+ amps in a quad setup.

Would love to see a clip that has a 90° bend and is attached to the flat end of the tailcap via screws, like the kershaw freefall below. The convoy clip might fit but I find it too easy to snap off during pocket carry. It will add 2 or 3 extra mm to the length but IMO it would be the the ideal type of deep pocket clip for this light.

Richard, will you be assembling the lights yourself? If so, would it be possible to order a few without the drivers?

XP-L will have higher output than either. As to Nichia, it’s probably only D260 (as that is what intl-outdoor has in the store) bin. It doesn’t answer your question though. :wink:

No, they are coming pre-assembled. I do not know if they are going to offer this as a host in the future or not, although IMO it would be a welcome option. I know that they have been super busy getting this first run put together, so maybe after that I will ask if they can ship some hosts.

Hat tip to Richard at Mtn for helping me solve a self-inflicted H17F driver issue quickly, patiently, and utterly without drama. Richard, your rep for excellent customer service is clearly well-deserved. Thank you again for your help!

I see you have the xhp70.2 in stock. I’ve put my order in! Thanks.

If you did build some with a customizable UI I’d buy one for each of the MT-G2 emitters I’ve bought from M.E. over the past few weeks; and probably buy a couple more MT-G2s from your remaining stock. I’d pay at least what I’ve paid for the H17F drivers.

The next best thing would be to figure enough about how the H1-A works to be able to write firmware for the PIC controller. My electronics skills are likely insufficient but if the super nerds in the community figure it out I can program the controller.

Thanks for your patience as well. Glad we got it figured out!