Poll: Should We Do Away With Anonymous Rude Marks?

So it is a problem with the forum.

I can see the results OK, but it did take 4 tries to post the first time this morning. And when I finally did my vote was deleted, so I revolted.

But best I remember this happens on all polls. It has something to do with Previewing the post before it is posted. If you Preview it something seems to get “thrown off” & things go hatwire. (sorry about the highly nontechnical terms…. but I am not a smart man. :wink: )
EDIT: In fact it is happening now as I try to post this. :person_facepalming: … ??

THAT sounds like vaguely related to a problem we’ve had reported before. Previewing a post in a poll thread caused the user’s vote to disappear I think was that one. I know your issue is different. But, this “poll” thing seems to be causing bugs to occur in preview mode for some reason.

OK……… to post this EDIT 2: I just had to do it in a totally different post. I could not edit Post # 103 above again Once again, this is not particular to this Poll……. I have run into this on Polls before. :wink:
EDIT 2: So to post this I had to do it after my vote was cancelled and now I will go back and vote again.
This is not particular only to this Poll, I have run into this before on other Polls.

This is a test to see if I can just post with nothing screwy happening…………. :smiley:

EDIT: And it worked just fine as did this edit?

EDIT 2: …. So if this 2nd edit works, beats me??? I have no idea what is happening. Cause like I said…… “I am not a smart man.” :wink:

Oh yeah, vote was not cancelled on this post or the first Edit either. If you hear nothing else from me on this it will mean all held true for the 2nd Edit also. :smiley:

I can hear you loud and clear :slight_smile: Now I’m going to try and edit this without adding a picture. Next I’ll try to add a picture

That worked. Now I’ll try editing again with a picture

Previewing the picture didn’t work when I tried to repost it. You should see 2 pictures

I see your pic very plain Glenn. But now the Smiley button at the top is not working for me anyway.
Below is what I get in a pop up rectangle when I click on the Smiley Button…………
budgetlightforum.com says:
TypeError: Cannot set property ‘disabled’ of null

BUT, I was able to do post 106 above and edit it twice with no problems.

EDIT: Nope, just one picture is all I see. :+1:
BUT…… Smiley Button is working again. :smiley: … :person_facepalming: … :wink:

That happened to me when I tried to ask Glenn if he voted the first time, then when I tried to post it without the smiley, it didnt let me post

Something wacky is going on. I hope SB can fix it.

I can tell you one thing for an absolute 100% fact Pulsar………………………
………… this is all beyond me and my ‘smarts’.

Smiley button won’t work again now, but there should be a huge grin behind the word ’smarts’.

I’m so confused I’m going to have a few cocktails. Then I wont care, at least for the rest of the day. lol!

Testing a picture:

I totally concur. :+1: (Smiley Button is working again…… :slight_smile: )

My po little brain be fried………. :wink: …, Which does not take to much when it come to technological things. :weary:

Smiley Button still working…………

Over & Out………… Standing by on 6 - 5

Definitely a bit janky with the preview button. I’ve always had little bugs with the poll functionality, sorry I can’t really do much to fix it.

Cool looking cat Sb………

Smiley Button back to a No Go………. (TypeError: Cannot set property ‘disabled’ of null)

SB, I just briefly saw your test thread. I tried to respond to it, to help with testing. The “preview post cancels poll vote” issue I mentioned above was still present. But, you deleted the thread before I got a chance to tell you there.

Now try editing it with another picture. Make sure you preview your edit before you post it.

Aaaaah, no problem. You can just do what you can do. :slight_smile: … :+1:

Smiley Button working again………. :+1:

Very weird…… with all my last several post my vote has not been cancelled again as it was earlier several times.

My work is done here……. I am in over my head. lol

Smiley Button not working once again……….

If you can’t fix it, so be it. We all still have the utmost respect for you SB.