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Poll: Should We Do Away With Anonymous Rude Marks? - Off-topic Chatter -
Poll: Should We Do Away With Anonymous Rude Marks? - Off-topic Chatter -
I think we should. I’m tired getting rude points for un-rude posts.
I think you should be able to see who clicks rude against you.
Some people abuse it and mark post that arnt even rude because they may not like someone. Make people a little more accountable for clicking it.
If something is rude then ya click away. But shouldn’t ve able to hide and do it secretly.
I have no problem if a member knows I marked them rude. I’m pretty sure I used it 3 times since it started and one of those members got banned. I forget the guy’s name.
Meh, it doesn’t really matter (to me) who marks posts as rude.
You can look here (when logged in) what post was marked:
Then you can edit it or add a comment like “Why was this rude?” or something, because indeed, sometimes it wasn’t rude but someone apparently highly disagreed or something.
But i usually consider it helpful feedback.
is there any consequence to being ‘ruded’?
i’m not even sure how i would know if i got ruded
There’s a rudeness meter on the left side of the page that shows how many Rude! points you have against you. Also, you can check the page that Jerommel linked above.
AFAIK, there’s no ‘automatic’ consequence to being ‘ruded’ except for getting points in your bar. But, the site owner does check, especially if he sees that you’re racking up a lot of them, and may step in to ‘correct’ the situation, if need be.
Maybe a solution would be to track who is doing the ruding, by the site owners, too, maybe it;s uncalled for venge-ruding. Vendettas, agendas, etc.
Hmmmmm I wonder why every other site on the internet has an anonymous downvoting/reporting system….there must be a reason….
I dont see the point with them.
If something is bad its better to say it and why then getting a unkown mark and have no way to respond to it.
I’ve never ruded anyone but if I have to, I’d be happy for the rudee to know who the ruder was
And maybe even make it that you can’t rude someone without a reason
At least then the rudee can do something with the feedback
As the recipient of rude points for totally un-rude posts, one was even praising, I totally agree. There’s a place for anonymity, but the way it practiced here it’s totally out of whack - from my experience.
Express disagreements or whatever in the thread.
i think the purpose of the rude marks is to let members know when other members think they are getting a little out of line. i am not aware of some dire consequence as a result. it may also serve a secondary purpose of alerting SB of potential problems including someone abusing said rude marks. I believe the ultimate reason for keeping them anonymous is to avoid the almost sure to follow flame wars. my personal pet peeve is the flagrant posting of OT but my style is to make my concerns public wither in the thread or starting a new topic.
Why does it matter if they do literally nothing?
It just goes away after 24 hours.
This poll feels like a vendetta. Let it go man. Let SB moderate his forum how he wants.
+1 Joshk :+1:
sb is the only person who has an overview of how well the rude system works, what the balance is between functional use and misuse. It has been around for a few months now so I’m sure has developed an idea of that and I’m sure he will remove it from the site whenever it appears not serve a good purpose.
That’s exactly what it is
End result then is a thread going way off topic and becoming useless. Look at what happened with the Q8. Page after page of spam and clutter.
Just trust in SB doing it right
he is doing a great job and the community is awesome
The rude thing helps him, and I am sure if somebody is giving rude flags too often he will write that person a pm about it. As I am sure if somebody gets rude flags SB will contact that person if he deems that fitting.
heheh besides I see lots of posts that are only about how rude points were received, and you know what? If the thread is “hey I got rude marks” that is fine (maybe stat such topic, post there, link to the ruded post and ask why it was rude )
BUT tadaa if it is in another thread such posts are off topic and off topic about not nice things surely can be seen as rude
Just stop talking about rudepoints for it can hijack a thread in a very rude manner, no matter how polite the actual words in the posts about them are.
Your rude meter is like fight club