Acebeam's upcoming X80

Thank you for the updated News seery! I see now, that this will run at 4000lm, for 1.5 hours. That is tough to beat in this industry, and becoming standard operating procedure for Acebeam. :sunglasses: :+1:

Yes 25000 lumens and 299 USD


Can this light use with x65 battery pack?? I am sure it can… what do you guys think?

Some update pictures of X80.
I was going to order Nitecore SRT 9: but, I decide to hold after I see the photos.

Best of all, no more green tint like X45

I like the exhaust vent on it. And it’s a lot smaller than I thought.

This looks like something someone at BLF would custom build for fun, not something I’d expect to see commercially-produced. 25k lumens, only 1.1 cd / lm, and only one minute at a time on the highest mode. It’s like a flash bulb — very very bright in a wide area for a short time. For comparison, the Meteor is often considered pretty floody… and it gets 4.5 cd / lm. Its beam is four times as focused as the X80.

Would probably be pretty useful for photography, but I’m not sure when else I’d need so many lumens at such a short distance.

It’s not exactly a light bulb either though… those are more like 0.1 cd / lm, or maybe 0.2-0.3 cd / lm when used in a directional lamp.

At the other end of the spectrum, there’s the BLF GT. It only emits 10% as many lumens, but the beam is 46 times as intense with ~500 cd / lm. Useless for up-close tasks but great for seeing things far away.

Not really sure what to make of the X80.

Thanks TK for the cd/lm number calculations, very insightful!

Weird enough I’m very much attracted to the X80, not because of the output but because it just looks really good. :slight_smile:

To add to the cd/lm discussion: lm/cd (the reciprocal of cd/lm) is an approximate measure of the beam area (solid angle), and so the square root of the lm/cd ratio is a measure of the angular beam width.


(it’s a guy thing, hehe?)

Never owned an Acebeam light before. Their prices seem high though they do have some nice looking lights. The Acebeam K30 looks kinda cute. 3x18650 powering a single XHP 70.2 to 5200 lumens.

Acebeam K30

^ $130,-


I like the X80, can’t falut it but the DT70 is still the flood king for me due to that throw and subtle gradual hotspot to spill graduation. It looks like a 100,000 lumens to the naked eye!

Was looking on Amazon for this light and found it for £8.99, yes £8.99 and ordered it to see what would happen. Well it got despatched and I’ve got a tracking number but god knows what will turn up.

I saw it too. I was like nahhh let’s not even try that… :smiley:

Empty box if anything at all.

Be awesome if it worked.

About what light you say please? I’ ll give it a try also. :smiley:

The x80 but it’s not listed at £8.99 anymore.

$130 for a X80 ? u sure….that is super deal :wink:
mine cost way more than that. i hope u meant K30
btw my low quality for fun review here :
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