Talk about future projects and donation topic

I don’t think it’s possible to do a good light bar cheaply. Are you familiar with Richard at Mountain Electronics? He has created his own line of vehicle mounted light bars. They are some of the brightest out there and have multiple brightness levels that can be controlled from inside.

Yes MTN Electronics has lightbars covered and they are not flashlights.

But this is Budget Light Forum, not Budget Flashlight Forum (just ignore the sub-title as it ruins my joke :stuck_out_tongue: ) so as long as it emits light it is suitable for discussion :wink:

I had briefly read about the MTN bars but never got past the price. They do look really good, but a little more “high-end” than what I was imagining. Based on the chart on the MTN website what I had in mind would fit somewhere between the Rigid and the MTN bars bit with direct from China pricing.

I’ll have to move this into the d.i.y. basket for when I am a bit better.

Well you know I kind of feel bad about the Q8 stealing the M6 thunder especially for RMM who must have seen his special versions of it being rendered a bit obsolete.
USA is the land of the big pickup trucks where light bars are cool and useful on, I would not even want to pursue light bars going below his price, he put a lot of work in them, they are honest American made high quality products. If people think they are too expensive or that they can do better, there are a few who made them so go ahead :wink:
I will follow a project like it closely and with interest but have no need for a light bar on our car :smiley:
If people do start a BLF special and the drivers/electronics developed for it can benefit BLF and are designed Open Source the fund here can be used to order parts for prototypes, it is not exclusive for our/my projects of course but for BLF as a whole.

As Thijsco said, we can only do so much :wink:

It would be awesome if another team stepped up and do lights from scratch with no principal commercial interest, just for the kicks and pushing things further.

The cool thing is of course that lots of things already are going on or have been done in the past:
Bugsy36 with Banggood on the A6
the with several runs of the BLF348 by Singfire/Gearbest
ReManG, with Banggood on the sweet A01.
J-Dub74 working closely with Simon/Convoy, relaying BLF wishes to be poured into new lights and versions of lights.
Robo819 working closely with Mactoch, awesome lights!

Lucky for us in these cases the commercial parties do 100% of the prototyping so there are no costs for individual BLFers on parts.
When we started with the Q8 we stood on the shoulders of the people mentioned above. They have established BLF as trustworthy group to deal with. They proved it can be done.

Interesting is of course a key figure in many BLF lights is Neal.
A6, A01, EE X6, Kronos X5/X6 (As/Cu and ALU), Q8, GT, FW3A, all have Neal involved.

Then of course there are the “commercial parties” that still breathe BLF, RMM, Texas Lumens, Reylight, VestureOfBlood to name a few. It is so nice to see so much going on.

And let’s not forget people advising and doing work directly with manufacturers. Yeah it is clear BLF has a larger impact on the flashlight world then just being a bunch of consumers.
There areany smart people with great ideas, and if I being a newbie can kick off something like the Q8 sure much more can be done :wink:

Haha, considering I haven’t driven long distance at night in years I don’t have a need either. I am just dreaming of the good old days.

I hadn’t considered the possibility of a BLF light bar impacting on MTN, more of a rhetorical thought but I wonder how much impact it would really have? I don’t think MTN light bars are too expensive for what they are and as far as I am aware they are close to the best, if not the best product on the market, but they have a price tag to reflect that. IF, and that is a big if, I were to ever attempt to get a BLF light bar going it would be something to bridge the gap between blinted Chinese light bars and the MTN and still outperform something like a Rigid. However this is really a discussion for another thread and another time.

Actually, I think that would be a good place to target. It wouldn’t really step on Richard’s toes, but would show how underperforming and overpriced those others are. There have actually been a couple guys working on Light Bars within the past year or so here, but neither of those has updated recently.

Lots of things going on, and lots of things to start saving money for. My one way premature thought is that I hope anything new and small on the horizon can use 18350 cells, since they are a lot better than 16340, as far as I know, for now.
As far as recoil throwers, yeah, harder driven, newer leds make heat an issue. I had a lot of fun with one of those in the past, but maybe we’ve evolved past them.

I have been staring at my little Olight and On The Road i3.
With a short S2+ tube for 18350 besides it
Toykeeper please chime in.
Yes a 16340 is smaller but is the shorty D4 really big?
The Olight design is kind of really good. It is just the clip that can be better.
This is not like poor SRKs or lights that step down fast, there was and is so much to gain there.
Making those projects scream at me to be made.
If one manufacturer creates ramping on a small Olight clone it becomes very hard to see why a lot of time should be put into making a BLF special very small light.
Please elaborate on it, what you want or have in your mind?

I doubt that.
In my most recent idea about it the LED will have 3 (looks awesome) or 4 (easier to make) copper “spokes” from the LED to the body, made from 3 or 4 mm wide 30 mm high copper bars in front of the lens.
The lens will then have to have a hole in the middle for the LED.
But the surface area of the spokes will probably be a sufficient heat radiator / convector by itself.
But they will be fixed on the aluminum body too, so i don’t see a problem with heat.

But i noticed there’s only 2 months left for the scratch build contest…
Still have to order stuff for a recoil build, which will take a month to arrive…
And i fear pounding a 5” copper disc into a good parabolic bowl will be next to impossible :person_facepalming: , but i can silver plate it when it’s good enough…

Here are some pics to illustrate why theoretically a recoil is better than a regular reflector:

It has very little spill and very little ‘corona’ because the focal distances are similar at each angle.

Cool! I hope it works.

Yeah the size of your plan in the recoil thread should give ample material to remove heat.
Really hope you can build one!

And then we can use it as a prototype for a smaller model for a future BLF group buy. What do you think? :smiley:

why smaller? I think the appeal is extreme no spill throw.I bet that if people see the pencil beam reach far over the ocean and beach (Jerommel lives close to the sea) it could kick start the topic and get a interest list going, showing there is a demand for it.
Newer people like myself have not seen a good recoil thrower ever, we need a little show and tell to convince us reflectors, lenses can have an older way (recoil) alive as extra option :slight_smile:

I agree, but smaller just because I still like pocketable throwers.

I am also not tempted by huge throwers…

Unfortunately small lights don’t throw as good as big lights.
Or rather, the optic has to be large in relation to the LED if you want serious throw.
None the less, a Brinyte (Brynite?) B158 with a dedomed XPG2 is not that big, but it sure throws very well. :slight_smile:
But it only uses half of the emitted light, maybe even less than that.
Same goes for the Supwildfire reflector light. (in a quick test i found out the Brynyte (Brinite?) uses what would be the spill of a Supwildfire, the Supwildfire uses what the Brünüte does not use, roughly)
A recoil light collimates practically all of it.
But okay, 5 inches diameter is very large.
4 inches would be okay, maybe 3 inches, which is still roughly 75mm, which is still not small…

The former is true. The latter - I have some basic theory, but little practical verification. In theory what you say is untrue.
Throw = (optic area) * (surface intensity) * (optic efficiency).
In a simplified model, with a N-emitter light you can have N * (optic area / N) * (surface intensity) * (optic efficiency). Turns out the same as single emitter.
Really, you can’t fit a circular area with a number of smaller circles, you either lose some area or use siamese optics and lose efficiency. So single-emitter large-optic light will indeed throw better than a multi-emitter one with the same frontal area. But the difference is not big and you can definitely get serious throw with multi-emitters. Also, note that multi-emitters will tend to be shorter and may end up with better throw / volume. At least, that’s the theory.

This is correct, however “output” is called surface intensity and measured by cd/mm^2.
The actual lumen output is not directly relevant.

Thanks for the correction.

Today I got a thought about a moderate light that I’d love to have.
Not big, not small.
Not a flooder, not a thrower.
Not high output, but not a weakling either.
Not the runtime king, but nevertheless very good.
In my mind I call it a Jax of all trades because of one inspiration.


  • 3*18650
  • head just slightly larger than body
  • XHP35 HI, driven hard
  • efficient driver
  • compact package
  • side switch
  • zoomie!

Could be significantly cheaper with linear driver and SST-40, but efficiency would suffer a lot.