Poll: Should We Do Away With Anonymous Rude Marks?

I think it's rude to belittle other BLF members like this.

I think its rude for any of us to post in a thread about rude people wanting to take away a rude button, and rude people using the rude button :partying_face:

Speaking of rude, what happened to the please dont quote quote thread?

Mr. Admin closed the thread and made it so that only the OP was visible.

Saw that… It was marked with 4 new posts that I could not see when I noticed. Was wondering if one of them 4 posts was the culprit, or the general nonsense that led up to the last 4 posts lol


I got a good laff just now. Apparently this was flagged as “rude”.

Anyone got a clue why?

I'm thinking it's the s-word.

Maybe, but I wasn’t the one saying it. I get hit for quoting someone else?

Where I come from, it’s taboo, verboten, a Big No-No, to edit someone else’s quote, even to “clean it up”.

It would be like quoting you and adding “I hate babies” at the end. It’s Just Not Done.


Swearing is not allowed on BLF.

It's done on BLF with regularity.

When I quote someone that swears, I make sure to edit out the swear.

I get enough rude marks as it is.

Lol I chuckled so hard reading that the first time I saw it. Glad to be able to have another go at it now that you post a link to it :smiley:


A suggested test:

Take the mental image you get from reading the item.

Imagine showing it to your mother or your young child. Or someone else’s.

If that’s not the result you were aiming for, consider it’s the result you get from some readers here.

Fortunately this isn’t a locker room.

Since I was registered here I got 2 rude marks and dont care about then, the rude button do no exist for me :innocent:

Those: Budget batteries - #62 by Franz
Budget batteries - #21 by Franz

Edit: I confused the comment, its no a seller, its someone which “gain” “bolsa família” its a payment for peoples which no work here

Maybe it's someone that thinks the f-word doesn't belong on a family-friendly forum.

Yeah, can be it too

Personally, I don’t usually care which words people use… I care more about the underlying message. I mean, slurs are still to be avoided, particularly ones with a bloody history, but common “four letter words” seem pretty harmless. And some pretty harmful things can be said with flowery words.

I recognize that goes against both local convention and mainstream culture though, so it’s generally a good idea to follow that instead. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do…

… even if the Romans were invasive imperialist jerks.

I’m not still salty about that.

Yeah, I’d worry about little flakes of metal floating around in the driver area.

I had no intent to belittle anyone, I was only suggesting to let it stay so people that won’t call someone out can get the last word. I guess my wording made it sound belittling. I call it how I see it and don’t sugar coat what I say. Sorry if I offended anyone.

No “offense” taken here. It was dished out to you & you responded …. that is all I saw.

Only SB knows for sure, but I get the impression that a lot of the “rude” points are sent from people who aren’t actively participating in the discussion. It’s a way to let someone know to be more careful without turning the thread into an off-topic discussion about etiquette.

Private messages can be used for this too, but it doesn’t happen as often and doesn’t give SB the same visibility into issues he might need to resolve. PMs can also be somewhat risky (or at least socially awkward) for the person asking for better behavior, and can easily escalate into disputes. Escalation is far less likely with the current system, aside from people occasionally complaining about the system itself.

The rude system can be abused, but the consequences are much more harsh than for someone merely making obnoxious posts. It gets SB’s attention and carries a high risk of getting the abuser banned, because it demonstrates harmful intent.

It’s not perfect, but it seems better than how things were before. The system was added because threads kept going into angry death spirals… and that is much less common now.

Oh it is a heck of a lot better than it was right before the rude system was implemented. No doubt about that.

Interesting… I was under the impression that the person giving the rude mark could not be identified. From what you say TK looks like I was mis-informed. :slight_smile: