Please see till the end.
Sorry for off.

He is talking about cooling the flashlight with liquid hydrogen .

I think comparing this light to an acebeam x80 is ridiculous.You could buy 2 mf01’s, a BLF GT,and aemisar d4 to throw in your pocket for what it costs.

Once again.
Nobody is talking about pid regulation with turbo return after temp goes down.
One guy just supposed that there is no real thermal step down in MF01. I.e. step down time do not increase when heat spreading abilities increased (by any external factor).

Yes Yes! You got me right! I’m trying to explain it!

I had to mention two things.

  1. I dont own MF-01 and dont know how it works. Problems may be caused by bad thermistor or big thermal resistance between thermistor and host or etc.
  2. When I left a link to video Damir`s profile didnt show any country.

I feel the MF01 does a good job protecting its light, it does drop the output depends on temperature. Remember, I was running on high mode for almost 35mins so the light is already hot. I go from high to turbo without cooling it down.

When the light steps down I can choose to turbo it back on. But the light would just step down again to protect it.
The temperature isn’t really that bad to my hand at all to be honest… I can still grab the light by the head on turbo.

And I just tested turbo mode on MF01, it runs about 1 minutes and 37 seconds before I see the step down.
And test my HaikeLite MT03 (over 9000 lumens) runs on turbo over 3 mins and I see no stepping down… the head is no where near the temperature of the MF01 on 1 minutes turbo… I guess Nichia is just a high heat light. Maybe XP-G3 has lower heat?

Yes, it’s a fact, the XP-G3 gets less heated. But it is strange that the MF01 even with strong cooling reduces the brightness on the Turbo :frowning:

V1 of the driver didn’t reduce for a few minutes (Nichia version, Samsung 30Q, used outside 8deg C/44F, ~20mph wind, light rain; the head was ~40 C / 104F). I stopped the test after 4 minutes, no brightness reduction.

Someone should teardown thw light to see if it has thermal sensor

Wow! Cool! :+1:

He might know mizou51.

My turbo test was done indoor with no wind and at room temperature, I wounder if I keep the light cool would make a difference on stepping downs. I guess I can throw my light in the freezer on turbo and see what happens lol

So I did this…lol. it didn’t help with the step down timing, still got about the same run time of 1 minutes 30 seconds on turbo.

However, it was a V1 driver. And the light suddenly turned on and stayed on (couldn’t turn off, one bank of LEDs on full power) shortly thereafter, so possibly it was just a symptom of faulty driver…

Is your light from first or the second batch?

PS. Still no further info from BG - they gave me an order number for the MF-01 head but I can’t find it anywhere.

Yes this is from the second batch, I don’t mind the turbo step down because I really don’t need it for that long. And I can always just double click to bypass it to turbo again.
The high mode is running plenty amount of light and it ran for more than 35mins before I got bored… normal night walking on medium is also more than enough for my personal usage. The high and turbo is like the boom button to surprise friends or a quick boost for me to identify objects farther away.

You are also convinced of this. About what I said …

It’s a shame they don’t have a colored stainless steel version like the S41 :sunglasses:

Hmmm… and after the stepdown kicks in, if you bypass to turbo, does it again wait 1,5 minutes before dimming again?…

My v1 after stepdown kicked in, if I went to turbo again, dimmed nearly immediately. Same after unscrewing/screwing. The head was really hot, over 60.
In wind and rain, there was no stepdown at all.

So , possibly there is added timer in v2 to prevent damaging from too high currend over a long time (I suppose not all parts are cooled equally well, some components of the driver can fail even if the outside is cooled…

Will there be a group buy for the forklift that goes with it? :wink: