Cree changed production process for XP-G2 emitters!

Interesting to see what kind of current these will handle.

Pretty sure they will be popping before 6 amps, though.

This test from Köf3 shows the maximum possible brightness (I supplied him with the LED, it was a real one):

His sample seems to have an especially high Vf.

From memory (which isn’t always that good), I think the problem I was having was with the buck driver spiking briefly at turn-on, which was blowing the bond wires.

That is possible. Some people had that problem with newer XM-L2 LEDs around two years ago. I would just set the buck driver to 5A and try that. The brightness difference is not visible anyway.

Still 180 pcs in stock:

LOL. I guess I was wrong :slight_smile:

Just tested it in my L2 dedomed. 316 kcd and 975 lumens.

I notice it is still showing 180pcs in stock, 6 months later.

Now it’s still 180pcs in stock…

Guys save your money for better emitter. It is coming soon(very soon). That is all I will say for now.


New throw king is OSRAM KW …. something

And of course you can buy it at L4P place here

I had already made some builds with it… Some of you wants test and numbers but that is not necessary. Numbers are here:

B158 Brinyte 430 kcd!
Mitko’s super reflector thrower 430 kcd!
Other 50mm aspherics (copyfire and similar) 300+ kcd!

Is that enough for you? :beer:

Yes good old G2S42B is still good and more lumens but with new emitter dedoming is matter of past. With this Osram kids could make super thrower lights.

Although I am happy but at same time I am bit sad cause de doming made me feel that I am capable to make something unique after all. With new throw king emitter it is that easy as slap and play… Yes :slight_smile: :beer:

And I got my first 5 black flats today and putted two in a GT mini and a Convoy L2. Now I need to order these….

LOL… Yes you need :beer: It is better, nicer and most important:

“The biggest difference compared to BLACK FLAT is thermal pad, which is ELECTRICALLY NEUTRAL, this means you can use this LED with any standard XP DTP boards – there is no need for LED PCB/driver GND isolation!”

I literally finished the GT mini an hour ago.

Just to metion to everybody that you can use it with FET drivers also but you need to have low current cell like LG BD118650 or those Panasonic or Sanyo GA.

It will pull around 5.7 –6A on low current 18650 and more than 7.15 on Samsung 30q or better.

Worth to mention that performance will start to drop after 6A so don’t use it above that mark!

But the best would be linear driver with around 5.5A current draw.

One thing to mention… At 3.3A current draw little king gives same performance as the best G2S42B emitter at 4.8A!

Yes you heard that right…

You could easily have old g2s42b performance at only 3.3A draw and of course plenty… Really plenty of run time on single 18650 cell :+1:

But the spot size will be less than the S42B.

anyone did a revied those led ,performance chart OSRAM KW Vs S42B chart? djozz ?

Since these leds are pre-production samples exclusively available via led4power and only announced a day ago, there are no nice charts yet. But led4power has done some testing himself and gave the relevant numbers, and l.i. has done some very succesful mods. That should get people started prepared enough.

Is such a chart much needed?

so its time to upgrade my courui d01 kd reflector

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Yes spot size is smaller…

Yes… Guys you don’t even have to afraid of direct driving these with fet drivers just use low current 18650 cells. I guarantee that :+1:

But of course Samsung INR30Q or better high current cell could potentially kill it. As I said i did 2 minutes continuous test with 30Q and it survived. It pulled over 7A of current…
Djozz and Ko3fe will do proper test anyway.
I would say that sweetspot for best performance is around 5.8-6A anything above and performance starts falling.

But if you’ll drive it to from 3.3-3.5A you will still have lux performance as best G2S42B! Isn’t that cool? Especially for smaller reflector or smaller aspheric lights?