Astrolux MF03 interest list

I think it’s CFT-90\_/N-1yzu5p9Zb1b8hZ1y9fpi1

This is one bad boy. :sunglasses:

Yeah, CFT 90. More info here.

I’m definitely interested in this, still waiting on my GT being delivered to the UK.

All aboard!

I'm interested if it is floody

yes i’m very interested if it becomes available to the group again



I don’t see anyone accusing m4dm4x as racist here. I think you overreacted. It is offensive to Chineses to be called chin or cina, but i think it’s over reacted for this case too.
I don’t intend to start any arguments or debate here, just to explain so that people understand. The reason is related to WW2 and Japanese when Chinese were called cina or sound like that.

But i think it was simply a short form by M4DM4X. Definitely overreacted if anyone find it offensive. Unless M4DM4X is Japanese. :sunglasses:

Cheers. :beer:

IMHO, I don’t think Joey over-reacted. Joey was merely pointing out that there are members here that are over-reacting from innocent typo. I saw the post directed at m4dm4x suggesting that he shouldn’t use such word. I was the first one to jump to his defense as it was clearly a typo on Martin’s part. From memory, instead of typing out the whole word “Chinese New Year”, he typed it as “Chin. New Year”. The Chin. that was used in that context was clearly an abbreviation, and had no malice in it whatsoever.

Joey is right to say that we are all here for this hobby, and people ought not to suggest anyone is being racist from simple typo, and I will add that it should be irrespective of their race.

The correct abbreviation is ‘Chi’, however it’s an easy mistake to make. As an Engl & Ger speaker I would have guessed ‘Chin’ myself.

Since we are sidetracking a bit, and talking about abbreviations, it is easiest to use the acronym CNY to refer to Chinese New Year. I use it myself all the time :smiley:

That would make my life so much easier these last few weeks, sadly I was afraid I would just get questions of what CYN was and then spend more time explaining it lol.

Ya, CNY is the right abbreviation. I use that to save typing.
Chin or Cina is history burden for Chineses and those invaded China before, and there were places with signboard “Cina and dogs not allowed” in China during those time. It’s complicated. I believe many other races dislike certain name calling of their race too.

Nothing to add, just a few pics so people would not forget what this thread is about :smiley:
Personally I would be interested but this one is not “budget” version, not even close…

Yeah it not will be budget, I think it will cost $99,99……

It depends on your definition of budget.
Will it be cheap? No.
Will it be cheaper than similar lights? Yes.
It’s all relative.

So if you were considering buying an Acebeam X65 with a list price of $574, then you might stop and consider this more budget friendly Astrolux light.

To be fair, we haven’t even heard any estimated prices, yet. It may be priced to compete with the Imalent DX80, but it’s xhp35-HI emitter gives it an edge when it comes to distance. Some might argue the MF03 would be worth more than the DX80 because of its better flexibility. Similar massive flood, but extra distance.

If $99.99 i’ll take 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a joke, Ifound the people would catch those 99 cents :innocent:

I take 10 of them, here I can sold it easly for U$500~R$1600


Interested, I hope it happens.