Astrolux MF03 interest list

Hello my dear friends!

the Astrolux MF03 has reached prototype status!

i received some pics and a video that made me drool!

now the manufacturer is testing the prototype to fine adjust the driver output..

Specs (will be added/changed as i get them)

LED configuration:
8 pcs Cree xhp70.2 for a massive wall of light
one Cree xhp35 HI in a 46mm center reflector for a nice throw

headdiameter: ~ 120mm

reserved 4 updates

First in, VERY interested!

Very interested depending on price.

Filled out the form. Any hints about pricing at this point?

Me me me

Filled in the form!

Besides price, I’m also curious about the tint. CW flooders are lame :wink:

Filled in the form.
I’m so ready!

Heck yes I’m interested!

Interested big time! :+1:

Interested if NW.

I will take one… interested…


Interested - form filled in




Wow, I´m in !

IN…terested. Thanks.

Interested for sure! :sunglasses: