[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Thanks for reminding me. Anyone else with outstanding issues that I asked to wait until after the CNY, now would be the time to start reminding me about them.

You can also try sending messages to Neal directly but please, only message him if you truly have an issue that needs to be addressed, he is overloaded as it is.

I will put together a list of issues that need to be resolved and we will try to get them sorted before the next batch of PM’s.

The next batch will go out when the last 50 orders have been shipped. I hope this will happen in the next week or 2, it depends on how fast China comes back online.

I will know more next week once we see how things start coming along.

The group buy is closed, public lights will be available after the GB is finished.

Figure an average of ~100-125 lights a week with the V2 reflector tolerances and we have ~650 more lights for the GB and a reasonable guess is around 8+ weeks for the GB lights to be finished figuring at least one delay will pop up along the way.

After that it is only a matter of time for them to show up for sale in other places.

Those in the next batch, please keep in mind that it will most likely take ~8 weeks or more for the all lights to be shipped.

Woah, just to clarify:

Those in the next batch, please keep in mind that it will most likely take ~8 weeks or more for ALL of the next 650 lights to be shipped.

Correct, they will be shipping ~100 a week but for the last lights to ship it could take 8 weeks or more.

I’m still waiting patiently for my light and I do not mean to denigrate the efforts of Team GT with what I am about to say; however, it is a tad disheartening to see purchasers receiving their light in such poor packaging and not in the packaging previously posted in the thread, which I’ll refer to as official packaging. I keep all of my boxes as that is where my flashlights go when not in use. Is there a reason for the official packaging now being used that I may have missed? It is European or registered customers who receive the poor packaging? I don’t remember reading about this when I paid for my light back in December.

Yes, people wanted to get around customs and asked for the light to be shipped in two packages.

Here is a comparison of my light from the same distance before and after I sanded down the black spacer. Ignore any differences in color or brightness. At 9 feet, the hot spot went from 8 inches to 6 inches in diameter. At much longer distances, it looks like the hotspot size stayed the same.

I had to measure based on the sheets of tin on the building. Both hot spots look like they are 3 sheets wide. The coronas look the same as well. Maybe the new one has a slightly better defined hot spot? That might just be the camera settings. Eh, it doesn’t look worse.

Maybe I’ll do some lux measuring later on. I might even space out the black piece to the height it was before I sanded it and compare lux measurements.

Oh I see. Thanks for letting me know. I most definitely missed this.

Was this something that they had to request? In my case I paid for registered shipping without batteries - would this mean I will receive the light with the official packaging?

Thanks again.

I think with registered shipping you will get two boxes, don’t think you have to request. DHL ships in one box.

Yep, they asked for this as a way to get around customs and taxes, against both the Teams and Lumintop wishes. But lumintop was nice enough to accommodate them anyways, not realizing just how much it would bite them down the road.

I am tempted to remove the registered mail option for the next round of lights as it has been nothing but a massive hassle and problem for everyone.

All registered mail shipments have to fit under very specific size and weight requirements, so they must ship in 2 boxes in most cases. As someone pointed out the boxes came in at .97kg and ~1.49kg respectively. You can bet that was not a coincidence.

Are all of the comments concerning poor packaging from people who used registered mail! I got mine DHL a long time ago and it was the most securely packaged light I have ever received. The outer box look very basic and “cheap”, but everything on the inside was very well thought out. No complaints here.

My registered came in a single box to me… depends on the country’s mail system as we can ship up to 50lbs threw Canada Post. I picked it not for the customs issue (although that is an added bonus some times) as I have had horrid experiences with DHL over the years. Around a 50/50 shot they actually leave the package at my front door and not somewhere else (4/7 last year @ my place). I would be totally okay with having a limited shipping option in the future to make it easier on the group buy and manufacture. Shipping issues to my location are my issue and not the manufactures… If I want something enough I will either suck it up or have it shipped somewhere that doesn’t have these problems. :+1:

For the future group buys, I suggest you do not care about who and where pays the taxes. Just ship it. We all have more than enough money to pay the customs fees. It is not pleasant for anyone, but seeing how much hassle and problems the registered shipping in two boxes caused, it is definitely not worth it.

For the future group buys, I suggest you do not care about who and where pays the taxes. Just ship it. We all have more than enough money to pay the customs fees. It is not pleasant for anyone, but seeing how much hassle and problems the registered shipping in two boxes caused, it is definitely not worth it.

Now that I have a relook over the ordering instructions on M4DM4X’s website I remember reading this and quite clearly making the decision to go for registered mail and two boxes, which in hindsight baffles me. My own fault here.

Thanks for assisting with this query.

I think the server is having quite a time handling the size of this thread! I’m getting errors all over the shop at the mo.

WOW. Unfortunate people from first batch will wait 8 more weeks (

Can’t blame ya T/A, you should, you have gone way beyond the call, I don’t know how you did it and still do it, so do it for peace of mind, jeez! :person_facepalming: :+1:

:beer: (clink) :beer: