Giveaway Closed-ASTROLUX "X" 21700 Flashlight -Which Astrolux product satisfied you the most? let us know what you think of it

Astrolux S1 was my first then A01, followed by BLF version S3 and Yesterday I ordered the S41S. The A01 i gave as a gift, but im very happy with all of them. Cant wait to get the S41S

All old Astrolux made by Manker were great, after that I think quality and design of most Astrolux is horrid (just an example : original A01 was nice - now it is garbage). S41/S42 is nowhere near as good as real Manker E14 /E14 II …… :crown:

Favourite is probably the S41s, just love the hefty solid feel of it, the look of it and the stupidly bright output for its size.

Also love my MF01, crazy output at half the price of pretty much anything comparable.

I like my Astrolux MF01 very much !

What a great gwa, thanks BG/Astrolux - my MF01 is the best light I ever had! it is fun and reliable

Astrolux S41 (Nichia)

I own a blf a6 (s1)
To be honest I never felt it to be reliable enough to carry. After that I never bought another astrolux.

I own the Astrolux S1 and the Astrolux S41 and frequently carry the S1 with the short 18350 tube. It’s just a great size to output ratio. I use the S41 with the quad nichia leds when I’m cooking outdoors at night on the grill or need a great smooth beam with an awesome tint.
It is a bit heavy with all that shiny copper goodness for pants pocket carry, but not bad in a belt holster or coat pocket. It’s hard to choose a favorite between the two.
Good luck with the new website/marketing for Astrolux, and thanks for the giveaway. :+1:

Thanks for the giveaway.

Astrolux S42 is the only one I’ve purchased.

I've got an Astrolux C8 as my EDC

Love my MF01 and S1

Good luck to all

My favorite is the S1. It’s a great light and a fantastic value.

My favourite is my son’s Astrolux C8 - up until I saw his, my fave was my S3

My BLF A6/S1 on the right: (lots of modes to choose from, plenty bright too.)

Thanks BG for the giveaway !

I own a S42 and a MF01.
The MF01 with Nichia LEDs is my favourite!

The one that satisfied me most was the Astrolux A01 (copper)


Please do not glue/seal the threads of the flashlights
I want to buy an MT02 but it has the threads glued

I just picked up an S1 and love it , thanks for the giveaway!

My favorite is the astrolux mf02

The most Astrolux light I like is the MF01 Nichia
I got like 5 Astrolux lights but this one is still the best, lovely Tint and good for photography to light things up

Astrolux S41 (Nichia) too.