Show off your collection! *pics*

Mine is growing.

Most of what I have

This is most of mine, minus whatever is in cars, backpacks, etc. Also, this is missing a new L2X extended and a few others currently being evaluated for review.

Also, from our other house before we moved, I found this picture - about a year ago I think . . . pretty funny.


I am in awe you guys!

wow impressive!

I never seen that thread, sry if I made my own :P

Here's my collection. It keeps growing. I've got 5 more lights on the way. Maybe they'll be here soon.

Beautiful collections !! I can't wait to be able to afford lights again ! :(

Why not? I don't own very many expensive lights - maybe six of them cost more than $50. But I do own quite a lot of lights.

I think Boaz has me beaten on the number owned though.

We all buy lights for different reasons - and "I want it" is as good a reason as any other.

I think I own (and use) about 30 lights that cost less than $5

There are some collection threads like this over at CPF that are mind boggling/breathtaking. I used to spend hours looking/never commenting. What do you say to a guy that posts pics of his $30k collection?


"what's your address, when are you going on vacation?"

Here is my current collection!

Nice collection there viktori!

Love that black mag sort of stealthily ninja hiding in the top of the shelf

i don't understand why does some of you have more than one of the same flashlight, sometimes 3 or 4

I wish I understood why I buy multiples of the same light too

You say what are you nuts?

So jealous

Thanks guys!

I took my time to put them all in one place, and I too like what I see. :D

Multiples of the same torch.. lol.

My attempt to answer this fundamentally comes down to the idea of not wanting to place a scratch on my precious torches. So a second torch is purchased to allow the first to be used, but I don't want to let the one I'm using get scratched, so another is purchased, and the cycle goes on....

Alternatively, when there are different finishes or options involved, its a case of getting the other options, a bit like card collecting.

Worthy of a thread bump… heres the current state of my collection. The incan mags on the left from biggest to smallest are mods… MAG-1185, ROP-HI, ROP-LO. I’ll probably convert them to XML at some point.

Forgot the D30, next to the HD2010 for size reference.

higher res image (56K!!)