Don you really have a lot (quite an understatement) of lights. Didn't you say one time that you have enough cells to light them all? Well how about a 20.000+ lumen shot of all of them fired up? That however might be difficult since before you can switch on the last the 1st might end it's runtime. :)
You will probably need a cubic meter of styrofoam or similar to sandwich all faslhligts to be able to fire them up easily and to not have issues if they don't stack up good or tailstand.
Nice collection...Ok, correct me if I'm wrong: The one on the left is a Bersa ultra compact 13+1 in 9mm, and the one on the to tell, but I'm going with Browning or CZ also in 9mm...
It's also nice to see more folks into Ham...My friend just got her extra class....I really need to get off my duff and do the same.
You are correct, the pistol on the left is a Ultra Compact Pro which is a fantastic sidearm I must add! And that old thing on the right was my Dad's Browning Hi-Power, it is quite old and has many thousands if not millions of rounds fired through it and it has never failed not once and is a tack driver!!
I have many more firearms, those were just the two closesest to me for my quick pic. I got a few more lights too, and I had to throw in my good ol' Spyderco I carry everywhere.
Me and my wife both love to shoot and Ham radio is also great fun!
Welcome to BLF Lawnmowerman! Damn fine collection.... It looks like you found a couple of models you're fond of and stuck with it. That's never a bad thing...