Convoy C8+ New look for an old favorite

This new design is ravishing.

All the right proportions!

It just made the old C8 too dated.

Great job!

Much nicer than the older version. :smiley:

Cant they bump up the lumens atleast? like the astrolux version that does 1300 or so… since it has more cooling fins it shouldnt be an issue? I mean since the name is c8+ the + to me should be an increase in lumens and throw also no ?

I find the design to messy for my eyes. Quite ugly actually, especially at the tail.
But if cooling is better than on C8, I’m for it.

That would require Convoy to adapt a new type of driver (FET or FET+7135) and Simon has been very conservative in the past with drivers, he goes for simple and limited power, probably because his market is partly outside the flashoholics community. That said, this new C8 would have no problems at all handling a direct driver like the BLF-A6.

I just talked with Simon about this. He’s going to make the extension tube. :student:

Agree on all 3 points! :+1: :+1: :+1:

This is great news!!

I’ve been discussing this with Simon. Yes, he has been fairly conservative with his driver choices in the past. We have to keep in mind that not all of his market is a bunch of power-hungry freaks like us. :open_mouth: :zipper_mouth_face: :smiley:
He very much appreciates the BLF community though and I see more power in our future. Something along the lines of an A6 type driver is exactly what I’ve been leaning towards. No decisions have been made yet but there is certainly much more goodness coming from Convoy in the future. :sunglasses:

Looks good! Will be one in my next order from Simon

But i am still waiting for the clear anodized L2! :smiley:

I would like to see a 21700 c8…c9?!

I think the tint choice of the Convoy C8, but with the Astrolux C8 high-output driver, would be a real winner. I wouldn’t want the exact same firmware as the Astrolux (which is the BLF A6 firmware), but something along the lines of the biscotti firmware would be good.

Or, for a few more bucks, an XHP35 HI emitter, along with a decent boost-driver, would give both high-output and good efficiency. IMO, that should be the next evolution of the Convoy C8. May as well leap-frog the budget competition.

Nah, just use a ‘70 so you get a big ’+’ in the middle of the hotspot. :laughing:

Not a lot of point in trying to use a Boost driver with the XHP-35 in a single 18650 light as the same lumens and essentially the same beam can be had with a well driven XP-L HI. Similar amperage will be drawn from the cell in both cases, so there’s no real gain to go with a boosted 12V emitter. Just a more complicated driver that costs more.

That’s a fair point if you use the light only in maximum, which is probably what most people do with a C8. I was thinking of more efficient modes other than max, but I suppose that’s something more applicable to a light like the BLF A6. I think the XHP35 is supposed to be brighter and more efficient than the XP-L, but perhaps not worth the extra expense of a boost driver in a budget light.

Still, it would be nice to know what a C8 with an XHP35 HI would cost, before giving up on it.

Host version available, i got one.

Although i like the new improved design i think that C8+ should have been 20% beefier than the standard C8 and run of 20700/21700 battery. Would be sweet spot for everything.

I agree it should have a little more lumens and take bigger batteries wouldnt hurt but i guess since convoy is about budget u cant expect that perhaps idk but then again whats the point calling it + if just the host changed? not much need imo. i have 2 c8 already.

Can Simon make the led shelf thicker? In the old C8 it was only 2mm thick. Nowadays many of us put SST40 leds and fet drivers in these hosts and I will be happier if it will have a 4mm thick shelf. It doesn’t really a big change and it is not even make the machining time longer. It even make it shorter as you need to remove less material from driver side.
The old shelf can handle well the stock 2,8A current but with 6-8A it will be better with more mass. Also like the 21700 battery idea.

I’m thinking maybe around $30?

Nice! I wonder if that is really 2000 lumens, or somewhat exaggerated. Anyone know?

If it’s putting 1500mA into that LED, it might be 2000 lumens.