The new Convoy C8+ is available in the Convoy store HERE now. It’s only avaialble in Desert Tan at the moment but if the light is well received more colors will certainly follow.
I’ll update this post later with more pics and info. I should have had this posted over a week ago. :person_facepalming: Too busy. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has already posted about it here.
Internally this is the same light as the current Convoy C8, at least the newer versions with ToyKeeper’s Biscotti firmware, AR coated glass, DTP copper MCPCB, etc…
Here she is:
Those of you who have been asking for more aggressive knurling should like this one. :sunglasses:
kiribaru used to make a triple spacer for the C8… But of course the Sofirn version comes with a side switch, but if that’s not important then you can always ping kiribaru about the triple spacer.
If I were developing a light and happened to be ready to announce it and someone else brought it out, my own development would be scrapped. Done already. If Simon is the enthusiast I think he is he won’t be making a reflectored C8 simply because someone else already has it.
So, at the end of the day, if you want a reflectored triple C8, buy a Sofirn.
If only Simon would make a 18650 extension tube for this new C8… It would open up the possibilities for more ways to mod it, using 6v or 12v leds/drivers combos. That way the “finnish” on this light can be put to good use.
The C8 concept has been around for a while, I didn’t like the 3 legged style of em for a long time but of course I eventually wound up with several. I reviewed the first Sofirn triple and made some suggestions on how to improve it, as did several others, then they came out with the side switch version and they had a hit!
I have always wished this size light were done something like this new C8+, much more to my liking with the fins and heavy knurling. Can’t wait to see one!