*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

The BLF-GT logo was made up here on BLF, including the idea of putting the rabbit in the middle so it is not a Lumintop logo at all. It was derived from the BLF-Q8 logo that was also made by a BLF member

My perception is: LT = Lan-tern

Not a fan of how these sound if you sound them out as one word (which the brain tends to want to do)…

BLF-UL = Bull full
BLF-ULP = Bull fulp

BLF - L10 comes to mind, but Nitecore already uses L10 :frowning:

Or perhaps BLF - L1 I believe this is the first lantern, I could be mistaken

I really like the BLF Lt Logo, also I would support the use of 3000K/2700K&5000K LEDs and what speaks against increasing the output to around 1000lm ? Sure are 500lm enough in most situations, but 7135 chips are cheap and the the LEDs would support the higher output. In the worst case we would need to add some cooling fins to deal with the higher heat generation, but that’s no big deal and sometimes the higher output could be handy when you need to light up the whole campsite.

About 2700K vs 3000K, last I checked, the 3000K emitters go one efficiency bin higher than 2700K. So 3000K would probably be about 6% brighter than 2700K. They’re rated at 340 lm vs 360 lm, while 5000K is at 400 lm.

So, that might be a consideration.

  • 2700K + 5000K: 17.6% brightness difference
  • 3000K + 5000K: 11.1% brightness difference

Aside from this 11% or 17% difference though, the brightness should stay constant while changing tint.

As for the tint adjustment, there should be up to 255 steps along the tint spectrum. At least at full power, the top of the ramp. Lower down, the tint resolution gets more coarse because the numbers are smaller. At a low power level like 20/255, there would be only 21 tints available. And at a super-low level like 5/255, only 6 tints: 5/0, 4/1, 3/2, 2/3, 1/4, 0/5.

So the bottom of the brightness ramp might skew color sideways a bit as the resolution gets coarse, but I doubt it’ll be noticeable during use.

Name: Doobyscoo . Lanterns interested in: 2

How about BLF@LTN

to give it some balance

I agree LT is confusing and also missing a letter.

Don’t like lights that someone feels the need to put their name on .

I’d rather it be a BLF light than an ego booster .


BLF Happy Camper

BLF Campfire maybe a flame in between camp and fire like ultrafire uses.

BLF Nite Lite

BLF Campgear

BLF Equip

BLF Tacticool Gear

BLF# RCL (Really cool lantern)

Same here, i like this too.

Doobyscoo, how do you do? Interest list numbers 834 and 874 have been assigned to you.

I’m interested, depending on the price.

The ones who prefer warm tint don’t care about 18% less luminous flux. If more luems are neede, it is still possible to increase the color temperature.
I’m sure 2700K will be much appreciated.

/\ Agreed.

I’m all in for 2700K

I’m for 2700K on the low end as long as we get at least 5000K on the high end. :wink: To me, the more “spread” we get, the better. I’d be okay with 2000K + 6000K even. I’m confident that TK’s mixing will make it all look good. :wink:

Looks like artificial intelligence but it’s Area Illumination
I thought about Artificial Sun Shine but those three letters seem wrong when put together. :innocent:

I feel like I’d regret not getting a second one, so could I add my name again to the list please? I’m already on #431 for my first one.

xikteny is number 875 on the interest list, if the price is not right no obligation to buy one.

I hear you, I am on the list for 3. Your second lantern is number 876 on the interest list.

That second name would be more appropriate if the light had a $1000 price tag and fancy marketing about how it was handmade by virgin monks, with uniquely advanced quantum engineering inside, to cure all manner of physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Because then it would be pretty undeniable that we think the sun shines out of our, um, “Artificial Sun Shine”. :smiley:

(At least the part about quantum engineering would be true. All common computer chips rely on quantum mechanics in order to function, because that’s how transistors work.)