GB 351D closed.

I would like to add one LH351D 4000K CRI 90, so it’s going to be:

10x LH351D 5000K CRI 70
1x LH351D 4000K CRI 90

Thank you!

Was there an update to prices recently?

current prices

351B 3000K 90cri are available. Price
1-49 0.55$/pcs
>50 0.50$/pcs (including PP fee)
351D 4000K 90cri will be available in a week.
1-19. 1.7$/pcs
20-49 1.6$/pcs
>49 1.5$/pcs
351D 5000K 70cri on order
1-19. 1.7$/pcs
20-49 1.6$/pcs
>49 1.5$/pcs
Shipping 5$
All prices are include PP fee.

@AEDe: Which part number has the LH351B?
Thank you

Are you pm-ing people who are on the list for these or did I miss something?

Can I ask a dumb question? :stuck_out_tongue:

Are the 351B/3000K/90cri and 351D/4000K/90cri in this batch the same as those from the first batch? Or are there slightly different spex?


I mean, despite the “125K warmer”, are the spex the same, just maybe a variation in the batch?

125K colder I think they mean, young padawan. The first batch was a T7 tint, which is slightly below 4K (between 3875K and 4000K, as I see it):

Cheers ^:)

Okay, now I’m really not getting it. T7 is mostly below the BBL, and people were saying there were still hints of green like typische 219Cs, and that these were a tad nicer and rosier.

I mean, hey, I like the nekkid tint of 4C Crees, and those are above the BBL, so I’m not complaining, but if these’d be a different CT/tint, I wouldn’t mind springing for more… if there would be an actual tangible difference.

Frankly, the 351Bs look really nice for triple/quads if you wanna make lanterns out of ’em. Think I pointed people at the bunched quads from AX, and got some regular triples from Illumn, so I might just “need” some more Bs to fill ’em up. :smiley:


F2 voltage bin: 2.8 - 3.0V

T6 chromaticity region: 4000 - 4125K

Q2 flux: 340 - 360 lumens at 1.05A, 85°C.

They're indeed super close to the previous batch. :THUMBS-UP:

Cheers ^:)

To my advanced organic :-D photon detectors the tint of the LH351D in my close range 30° TIR S2+ flashlight is just about perfect. I wouldn't say it has the slightest hint of any tint (just checked it right now); 0K, maybe a gnat's ass of red but almost unnoticeable.

Cheers :-)

I will take some red any day of the week, Green is what I can’t stand. I can’t even use 219C’s anymore due to the green hue. Once you have seen it, you can’t un-see it. :weary:

Checked it again against another wall: yes, very very slight rosy tint, more noticeable in high mode (3A) around the “corona”. But it's subtle, as you may understand. If I were to be telling this to some philistine in these matters fellow, he/she would probably say “WTF?”.

However, not all emitters are equal and slight tint differences may be found among them.

Cheers ^:)


I want additional 10x 351B 3000K 90cri


This new batch is T6 bin slightly colder than the first T7 batch. To me that’s getting closer to my perfect preferred temp 4500k.

Ain’t that da troof…

First got my 47s Quark, grexed about because of the green tint, I was looking, “Nah, doesn’t look ‘green’…”, expecting something like a true green XP-E or something.

Then I see some nice neutral tints, with not a hint of green, got used to them, saw my Quark… ugh.

Spent a small fortune on 2 of them plus a shorty tube, and I haven’t even had a cell in any of them in at least a coupla years.

I played with these ’351s, and I like ’em… a lot! :smiley:

Yep, me too. 4500k is my ideal as well.

If these are just over 4000k and are rosy, they sound like the next best thing though! My biggest worry was they might be green. Since they appear to be rosy instead, I am now at a point of seeing how much money I can spare lol.

Anyone want to buy my XHP70.2 GT?

In for 10 LH351D 90 cri T6 :slight_smile:

Nice to see you here Texas Ace.

Time will tell how the tint lottery turns out for Samsung LEDs.

Is the 3000k from the new or the old batch? Very interested in these.

351Bs have always been 3000k in this group buy.