Here are the replacement parts.

Driver PCB:

Button PCB (the one you want to fix):

Use the link in the above post, choose “color” and it shows the 3 seperate parts. The switch is $3.04.

There was some type of a defect in the pcb of the original switch. It had nothing to do high voltage or current.

I don’t know any of your details. Who did you PM? The Miller? He may have left by then. If you need a replacement switch, the only place to get it is the link above.

Here is a link to a new switch.


Edit: I’m a slow typer… look like this is old info. :smiley:

Great thanks guys! I’ll order one.

For the PCB. In my experience if they pass their initial QC they are good unless exposed to elements or chemicals.
I’ve seen some prepreg core cracking when doing high temp burn in but that was relatively freak accident and on high power board that were under a lot of stress

All those that have the q8 for a long time now, does it still work like a charm, the button is not weared out etc ??

My Q8 is like new, no problems at all and is used almost daily.

Only thing I had to fix is led on switch, but it wasn’t working good when I got it. If you followed tread you may know about that problem on first units.
Replaced switch pcb and no problem all this time.

okay good, not that i worry really it seems like a robust well built light compared to convoy l6, astrolux lights that i have etc.I feel strange it took me so long get it but never too late as u say.

I joined that group buy early and still haven’t bought one, so no need to feel strange. I’m holding out for a CW version. Sofirn might be releasing an updated version of the Q8. We’ll have to wait and see.

Mine are still going strong at this point…. no problems.

The Q8 is one of those must have lights that everyone should own.

The Q8 is actually the biggest longterm test of overdriving leds BLF-style since we started doing that in 2013. I have always wondered if 3A leds driven at 5A would eventually fry the leds, that never could be tested, and so far so good :slight_smile:

Very big battery drain for me.
Not switched to the working position when not used.

That’s strange. Wasn’t the switch supposed to drain next to nothing and not affect the charge for a looooong time?

The battery drain (parasitic drain) on the Q8 should be super tiny. It should take many years to drain the batteries. You can also turn off the switch lights to reduce the drain even more. Of course, if you are not going to use the light for a long time it’s best to turn the battery tube to cut all power.

Have you measured the drain on your light? What was it?

Yes, here are the specifics:

Parasitic Drain

Parasitic drain is the draw of amps (power) when the flashlight is off and the processor goes into a deep sleep mode, cutting as much power consuming features as it can, but still able to wake up when the button is pressed. Here’s the measured numbers on full or near full cells, after being off for more than 6 seconds:

  • with switch LED on: 135 µA
  • with switch LED off: 22 µA

In switch Lock-Out mode, the switch LED is off. There’s also a quick trick method to turn off the switch LED when the light is OFF:

  • from OFF, press&hold until moon mode comes on (or hold longer)
  • then quickly release the switch, and quickly click to turn the light OFF
  • the switch LED should be off now even with the main LED off

To put it in perspective:

  • 22 µA takes 5 years to drain 1,000 mAh, so with 4 3,000 mAh cells, it could last over 60 years, in theory of course
  • 135 µA with the switch LED on takes 10 months to drain 1,000 mAh, with 4 3,000 mAh cells, it could last over 10 years

When the light is first turned off, it continues running the processor for 6 seconds, then drops into it’s low drain, deep sleep state. The amount of amps is somewhat dependent on the cells, so partially depleted cells, and cells with higher resistance will have a lower parasitic drain.

I’m far from last instance. Just my experience…

Not measured the drain.
Not used often and find critical voltage when checked.
One 30Q did not recover anymore.

That is not how it should be, there may be a current leak other than through the driver electronics. I’m curious if others have the same observation. If this unexpected high drain is a general feature of the Q8 it is wise to physically lock out the light when not in use, which would be a pity because Tom put in lot of effort to make it so low.

I have a total of 6 Q8’s - most for emergency lights - we loose power often - all sit for months at a time without any unusual drain. They all have been in use since shortly after the group buy.

I would guess this is an isolated problem.

OK. I put new battery 30Q (first use) from BG after full load and measured about 3050-3100 mAh.
After about a week (now) its about 3.96 mAh V.

I’m happy with my Q8. I bought 3 of them.