Sofirn Q8 group buy (gb closed, but try PM to Sofirn for discount)

ah ok, assuming they are sent to our PMs here?

I see we’re also limited to only 1 light now as well on Amazon US. :frowning:

Thank you Sofirn!! Order placed…… . :+1:

I am interested in the C8F, Amazon .com for USA. Are Codes still available?

Same here, I’d like to know also.

Welcome to BLF 9p18v, hope you enjoy your stay. :+1:

Me also, kind sir.

Amazon now says the Q8…
In stock on September 27, 2018.

Works for me…. at least we got our orders in. :+1:

That is actually what Tracy of Sofirn said yesterday. They got there the 20th & it usually takes Amazon 7 days to have them ready. She hopes that might be sooner.

So first come first serve for the coupon code out if 50 units?

I really hope that’s not the case, haven’t even gotten my code yet.

How will I receive a code? If I qualify for one?

I got mine by PM.

Ok I’ll wait and see if I get one.

Never got a code either

Yes, through PM.

I believe the CODE is one time use. I don’t think there is a limit on the lights. If you signed up saying you want 2, then you should be able to get two. I don’t remember there ever being a limit.

Yes, this is the only way possible.

I guess if the Amazon US store runs out, you can still order through the Aliexpress store.

I’m not sure if the Group Buy price will end today for just the AZUS or for all 3 stores?

Make sure you say where you want to order it from.

I looked you up in the list in the OP (you could have seen that too) and you are not marked as buying via Amazon, and then I looked up your post and it does not ask for it (which was the idea, as is in the guidelines in the OP). I’m sure that is why you did not receive an amazon code from Tracey.
You can do two things:
*buy via aliexpress
*send Sofirn a PM explaining the mistake and politely asking for a code

I can add the latest people for AmazonUS to the list but perhaps at this stage it is better to send a PM to Sofirn asking for a code, Tracey may have had her last look through the list by now.

You are in the middle of the list clearly marked ASUS. Please send Sofirn a PM.

Amazon plz, if it’s not to late