18,000th Post Giveaway! Winner! David EF! Congratulations!

I am in.

It is 10:15:08
Monday, October 8, 2018, week 41

when I post this.
I hope that this is still a valid entry :slight_smile:

Thank you so much.

I am in!
Almost missed this GAW and that would’ve been a shame. Adored your builds for years and I can finally get a shot at this.

I am in, congratulations on the massive amount of quality posts! Without you this place wouldn’t be the same.

Thanks for the opportunity…

Closed, tallying the posts. Got caught up in the tally and missed 12 noon. :stuck_out_tongue:

We have 156 official entries, bmwsancho just squeezed in as the last entrant. Good Luck everyone! :smiley:

You lucky bugger, Congrats

Just so it draws attention in the new post category, David EF is the winner, entry number 34 post number 43 (I know, I know, but I don’t make this stuff up!)

Congratulations David!


I won?! WOO HOO!!! :partying_face:

I’m SO looking forward to getting my grubby little hands on that Eagle Eye X6! :smiling_imp:

Thanks Dale for the giveaway! Congrats again on the post count. :smiley: :+1:

Congratulations to Dale and DavidEF!

Congratulations David EF and thank you DB for all you do here.


Congrats David, you lucky dog you!

He looks so surprised if not shocked… just lookit his eyes! :laughing:

Reminds me of the 90’s :laughing:

You don’t know how true that is! I’m flabbergasted! :open_mouth:

Now I’ve been looking at the prizes again, and that Sofirn Q8 looks so tempting… but I’m gonna stick with the EE X6. I think. Maybe. For sure. Uh-hmm. Yep. (I won’t change my mind… I won’t change my mind… I won’t change my mind… but the Q8! I WON’T change my mind… I WON’T… )

…from eating too many beans?


Fresh roasted Guatemala coffee beans, to be exact! They smelled so good, I couldn’t resist popping them in my mouth! Forget grinding and brewing, that takes too long! :laughing:

Hey David?
Can I tempt you with an 8700 lumen Q8 that has sliced SST-40’s?

See, the problem is… I don’t have 4x high drain cells. I only have one VTC5 because someone accidently left it in a light that I got from him a while back. The rest of my 18650’s are all laptop pulls.

Ok, so, how about a Q8 with 4 new Samsung 25S cells?