Fireflies ROT66 Flashlight

Most likely…… :smiley: … :+1:

Well the last time when i bought a super big flashlight as a toy for myself (a 12” diameter HID, some 100W ballasts etc), my wife actually did jokingly “demand” that I get her a Chanel bag for her birthday! :person_facepalming: :money_mouth_face:

As for the other flashlights, luckily she thinks that i am paying like 1/3rd-1/5th the price that we are paying, coz as you’d all know we get it online, and online is always way cheaper than retail. :slight_smile:

The old "I got it for a steal at 60% off trick" every time lol

Has anyone had any drain related issues?

So far I’ve heard of 2 different lights that seem to drain the batteries to below 2.5V within several days to a week.

To drain three 3000mAh cells in a week, it would have to be running at about 53 mA. This shouldn’t be possible when the main LEDs are off though, because the MCU can only use about 6 mA by itself, and the aux LEDs can’t use even 1 mA… so the upper bound for those together is about 6 or 7 mA, even if something isn’t working right.

So I’m thinking it’s probably something else, like a metal shaving causing a small short… or something along those lines. But I don’t really know.

Regardless, the first step is to measure. Could you measure the standby power usage with a DMM? I would like to find out how much power it uses, and how that value changes over the first ~30 seconds of standby time. Also would be helpful to see if the value changes at all depending on how the button is pressed.

Also, which firmware is on those lights?

Shouldn't LVP kick in before 2.5V?

The drivers LVP only works when the light is on.

The aux leds have their own lvp that should kick in. One of his lights does not have the aux leds so it’s probably running NarsilM. His other light is newer and has the aux leds.

It is happening on 2 lights from the same person. I already asked if he could measure the current draw using a single battery, but he doesn’t have the equipment.

I will send you his info in a PM.


Going back to posts from a couple of days ago…… My light had the flickers at the low end of ramping. I fixed it: The contact between the battery cage and the head had a tiny bit of thread grease on it. Used a Kleenex to clean it. Problem has never returned.

I'm still convinced that something is not right with my ceiling. I click 4 times, let it flash once and then it flutters, so I set my floor at 1 then after after about 2 seconds I let it blink and then do nothing so that it can set the ceiling to max brightness, but it's still quite a bit less bright than my first rot66. Is there anyway to go past the ceiling that is set in Anduril? Or, is there a way that I can get NarsilM into this flashlight and see what happens? It could be possible that Anduril is somehow limiting max output when compared to NarsilM..... just a guess.

I have a light colored marble floor in our hallway and it's great to do a ceiling bounce. The Anduril rot66 shines the marble floor quite a bit dimmer off the ceiling bounce compared to my NarsilM light. It's almost as if the wow factor is missing.

If you do nothing for the ceiling it does not change. You need to click once to get the max ceiling.

Clicking once for the floor setting will give you the lowest floor. Clicking once for the highest ceiling level will give you maximum ceiling.

I’m kind of wondering if there might be a cell in backward or something. Or maybe a chip on the driver lets current through while it’s off. It’s hard to say.

Thanks! That’s useful to know!

If you don’t press anything, it won’t change the value. Pressing nothing is how you tell it to leave the values unchanged.

Yes. While the light is on, double-click. This bypasses the ceiling and goes to full power.

If you do that and it’s still not as bright, there’s probably a physical issue like dirty contacts or weak batteries or something, instead of a configuration issue.

I tried cleaning the top of the cage, but no luck. Still gets some flicker. Have to look at it this weekend to hypothesize about that.

I tried that too, but still the same.

Tried on click to set max but still quite a bit dimmer than my other rot66. When I get back home this evening, will do a good cleaning of all the contacts and give it another try.

You can also try swapping the heads on your lights too. Leaving the batteries and everything the same. See if the problem gets transferred