Led4power.com : LD-4 CC linear drivers, ILC-0/1 illuminated tailcaps, optics, MOSX, copper DTP MCPCBs...

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Okay guys, I just installed an LD-B4 and a MOSX with Luxeon MZ in a C8…
It lights ON but I don’t understand how to switch modes, or config or whatever.
With the closed website I can’t access to the datasheet sooo… anyone knows how these work please ?

Thank you very much, now everything makes sense !
That said :

- I don’t like the tint of the Luxeon MZ…either it’s too cool for me to appreciate the 90CRI, or the beam shape screws it too much…

- The beam shape is ugly in the SMO C8 reflector… well maybe I’ll try in an S2+ then

  • I’ve never felt a C8 getting hot that fast !

I put one in an Eagle Eye X6 and then cut out a donut shaped piece of DC Fix to go on the lens. It gets rid of the hole in the beam but it’s still a bit of a messy shape. The tint across the whole beam is fine though it’s just the shape that bothers me.

DC Fix over the entire lens obviously fixes all of this but in my opinion kills too much throw to make this host appealing. Dont use SMO anything for this LED. Even smooth TIRs are not acceptable typically.

I have it in a Eagle Eye X7 with DC Fix too.
A little too cold, but its a nice beam and throw without donut hole.
With fresh blue Liitokala batteries I get 2800 lumen at the start.

Did you use DC Fix across the entire lens or just the outside?

C8 OP reflector should give smooth beam:


I bought these,but still didn't try them.

Do you happen to have an e-switch version of the LD-4 driver?


…but you’re still planning on one, right? :laughing:

In 2019 I will have more free time for drivers development.

That’s good to hear. I hope to see an e-switch version of an already established design like the LD-4.

Seconded, different diameters would be a plus also (22mm especially.)

Ah yes that would be so great! :+1:

+1 on both :wink:

+2 but I expressed this several pages ago as well

And I agreed with that as well :wink:

Neven, you would probably sell a lot of e-switch versions if you had them.
Then people can finally put decent drivers in their e-switch lights, like Astrolux S42 and 43 and the Emisars.

I’ll second that. I have an Emisar S42 that could use a good driver.