BLF A6 FET+7135 Light Troubleshooting and Mod thread

Nope, everything as standard. I believe the lighted tailcap issue is that mode memory won’t work correctly, i.e. mode memory will be on even if set to off.

I see. I think this thread is what you are looking for.

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

Are there holes in the UI? In lower modes the FET isn’t on at all so if the 7135 has gone bad there will be modes (moon & lower modes) where there’s zero light output. If that’s not the case it’s probably not the 7135 being bad…

Anuway to test the 7135 you jumper the right pin to Vcc, this will make the 7135 turn in full (0.35A) which you can measure to confirm its good.

If I recall correctly, the 7135 chip tends to fail in a way which passes current, so it would have the same brightness regardless of the PWM signal sent to it. If the lowest few modes are all the same, that may be what happened.

No holes in the UI. Essentially the light has 4 modes consisting of the brightest 4 modes of the 7 mode group (compared against my other A6).

Thanks for the info on testing the 7135, I’ll take a look when I’m back home.

Would a failed 7135 prevent access to the config menu?

There must be multiple failure modes possible then cause I’ve had more than my share of them suffer heat related deaths in which they have zero output. The only time I’ve had them fail in a way which causes them to stick open is in over voltage scenarios (2s builds).

My experiences have been what TK mentioned - they fail for me wide open. I've killed several this way on my modded 35K lumens XHP50 based light, and in a couple triple XHP70's I modded, all with FET+1 drivers. Ohh yes, same thing CK is saying - all in high powered 2S builds.

it is possible to adjust current in firmware of a6 driver? i want to get about 4,5A-5A in fet turbo mode

Well no, not exactly. Firmware has no control over a FET based driver accept for PWM'ing to lower the effective amps, but not to any exact amperage level - it can't read back amps, can't adjust accordingly. You could add resistance (thinner, longer LED wires for example), but that depends on the cell also.

Hi everyone, my first post here, my first flashlight which was recommended to me.

I just got it in the mail, but have the following issues:

I press the button (click), and nothing happens (this is where moonlight should be). A half-click gets me to a low setting, the next half-click to the exact same setting (definitely identical), and then it gets all the way up to turbo. So basically I’m missing 2 out of the 7 modes (moonlight and low or med1).

In the second group (supposed to be 4 different modes), the first two modes are identical (so it’s 3 instead of 4).

Switching between the groups is possible, but there are no two blinks as there should be, it’s just dark, I can still get it done just by guessing.

Battery check also does not work.

Is this a known problem/easily fixable by a noob, or do I have to send the lamp back?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

It sounds like a hardware problem, like the driver has a bad amc7135 chip. It’s not easily fixed unless you have some of those hanging around and know how to resolder it.

Thank you so much for your reply! :+1: Too bad that the first flashlight I order from China has this, but I’ll see what the vendor will say!

I really have no experience in the field whatsoever, naively thinking there might be something like a “factory reset” to fix this! I guess I’ll just have to wait for a few more weeks then.

I recall that sounds exactly the same behavior as a (defective) Astrolux C8 or S41 (both use BLF A6 driver) that I encountered before…

Hi all, new here and still a relative noobie with the A6.

Seems I’m also experiencing the same issue with being unable to access the configuration menu with 15+ taps. The light simply keeps on cycling through the levels until it settles on moonlight after repeated taps but no blinking into configuration.

So far I’m liking it much, except I’d really like to enter the configuration mode to tur on memory mode like I have on my others like my Thorfire C8s.

This is a stock BLF Special Edition A6 from Banggood, no tweaks, no mods. Any ideas? Defective?

After 15+ half-presses (flashlight must be in the ON state first), the flashlight should enter into Configuration Mode, which is signified by Blink-Blink, pause, Blink-Blink. I think the Blink-Blink is not that bright, so you may have to shine it on a wall to identify the Blink-Blink.

To change the setting, you need to Turn OFF the flashlight (fully-click the button) in between the “Blink-Blink”, ie. don’t wait for the second Blink in each pair of Blink.

It sounds more complicated than it is. Here’s a video showing how to do it. Go to the 9 minute and 40 second mark to see the programming function. (Yes, it’s for the Astrolux C8, but it has the exact same driver as the BLF A6.)

Thanks to you both for your help, much appreciated. No luck yet but I’ll keep trying!

If it’s not the UI then it must be the user! :wink: :smiley:

Great review of the Astrolux C8 btw!

Forgive my stupidity but what order does the o ring, glass and reflector go in?

Is it o ring, glass then reflector or glass first?

I found something better than an A6.
3 black 3 non anodized.
I love this light.!!!