Interest in (Google) Map of BLF Users?

I'm special!

(Special ed.)

Added my location first in Connecticut!

added my location now.

Right now I'm closer to Mexico than anyone else on the map.

I would have never guessed.

You'd think someone would be from San Diego as it's such a large English-speaking city.

If I lived at my parents old house, I would be much closer than you. They were in Bonita, south of San Diego. about 10 miles or less from the border. But I am north west of you for the foreseeable future.

yes, thanks for the tip, my abode is Santa Barbara is customized now. :beer:

dropped a pin near schaumburg

Aaaand added.

Added :beer:

Added! Can’t believe I’m the first in Mexico


That means that I'm not the closest to Mexico anymore...

added, the 2nd from my country

Late to the party….

Better late than never right? :smiley:

Can’t believe there are only 3 in Georgia. :open_mouth:

Alright ! I’m on the map ! :wink:

Still plenty of US states are not represented, and the same counts for many countries. Even almost the entire African continent is absent. Perhaps this map is a reflection of where in the world people (mostly male in this case) have enough money and spare time to maintain a hobby.

Found it now, added :partying_face:

Added myself, and i know of another BLF’er (trailhunter) that’s also in VA.

Sadly I dont resemble this comment. :frowning:

Poor Steve!
We could do some “get the Moose some big chunks of aluminium” fundraising on BLF to get you going again, but then there is still the needed spare cave time that we have no power over :frowning: