Imalent MS18 with 100,000Lumen and R90TS with 36,000Lumen

I have not experienced any problems with my Imalent lights yet.

I tested two R90C in my TA lumen tube and they measure about 14k lumens at turn on with some light leakage because of the large head size so I estimate about 15k lumens. Light is still very impressive though but a bit disappointed that I bought it so soon since R90TS will likely be 30k lumens

I don’t have a problem with the flashlight itself nor concerned about it’s quality….because i will never buy one.

In an open forum, conversation will deviate and the OP should expect that. Also should expect the criticism of the product. Particularly if the claims are not backed by actual testing and proof.

I think there would be a different conversation in here if there was proof of 100,000 lumen running, even for a minute or so. Without proof, it’s legitime conversation to question the claims.

Just saying……

I don’t know what you are reffering too, but if there is one wow light that i will force open my wallet, it would be for that light on youtube with the 38mm LED.

Even a wow light needs to be functional….

Any updates? Official release date?

I wish they used the Boost Hx in the R90TS instead of the xhp35 hi. Would have doubled the throw with similar lumen output

Is it still has no external charging port?

it has :)

Here’s the deal: They could have used 24 XHP 70.2s, ran them at a more reasonable 12V and 2.4A, and produced 100k lumens rather “easily,” while using about 30-40% less power (less heat); AND have enough overhead for turbo.

With 24 leds it will be spec 130k lumens for turbo. Turbo means overdrive to max for these giant flashlight.

Thanks Martin for confirmation. Good to know user can topup battery conveniently.

poor quality

Did they drop it on a hard surface and it cracked?

It kinda looks like 2 pieces that are screwed and sealed together and maybe the screw threads got stripped.

Any more details?

Or, possibly there wasn’t enough meat there behind the threads, causing a catastrophic failure when shocked by impact.

sorry,I don’t haven’t seen the original posts, maybe it has been deleted for some reason.

Translation:“Broken off,I find that the 2 pieces stick together.What the hell is the design.”

This does not look like the new model, it looks like the older R90C (pictured below).


Martin’s new video says the MS18 uses heatpipes. Is that true. Looks more and more impressive.

Heat pipes only tend to work well at very high temperatures and are usually a last resort when you can’t get a cooling fan close enough to the heat source. I think it would be very strange if they were actually using heat pipes. Then again, I have no idea what’s going on inside of the MS18 other than it seems to have a single radial fan about 30 or 40 millimeters in diameter. Who knows, maybe it has multiple fans inside.

It looks like the body and head are only glued together. :neutral_face:

Those are Allen head screws right above each button. They are hanging down and might have a coating of glue on them.

Locks picture.


I think you are right i didn’t see the screws.