Waiting for next batch [AMZ US Available Now] $49.99 Sofirn SP36 Anduril Version

Emitters can only be exchanged by pulling out the driver from the SP36. I wanted to have a SP36 with 4x LH351D 5.000K 70CRI. Again, there is no reason to use glue in this flashlight, at least not such extreme amounts. The driver remains at its place even without glue.


Thanks for the explanation! Wasn’t aware of that

You may be lucky to catch a sample with less glue than mine was. A friend of mine opened two of the SP36. The second one had two small blobs of glue only, reducing the effort significantly to pull the driver.

I’m in if there is NO green tint.

Amen to NO green tint.

I’m in too. Also, headlamp with Anduril pls.



Amen to WEAK green tint.

Put that on Amazon and I’ll buy one!




Interested if the driver is not glued

How close are you to release? Any news?

Wow. I’d be in for that one for sure!

it will be April since the reflector, driver and other parts are different, it takes more time than the SP36 Anduril version.


Sorry I have to say plan changed. the first 10000 lumen light will not SP36 Pro but Q8 Pro, because SP36’s head is not big enough for bigger leds or more leds.

let’s wait and see.

Oh, the SP36 Anduril version goes as planned.