OK , all my SSC P7 [ single 18650 ] are around 500L

The little A20 on a RCR123A blows them all away ...

EVEN the SST-50 [ mine did 500 ] is rubbish compared to the XML ........ Howzat !!!

I cant wait to get my hands on the T6 's and build some P60 drop ins [ RIP = SSc P7 / MC-E / SST-50 ]

though, for all out there that are far more expert than i am at this, will it be viable in a small, say 14500 or single 16340 host?

Did you get a chance to measure a tailcap current yet?

Updating original post as I go ....

Yes , Im sure you can use the XM-L with a 14500 or 16340 light [ I did ] .

Just cherry pick the driver you want to use , since I dont care about shortening the life of a RCR123A [ I have plenty of them ] , and I also usually dont run high , except to show off , and as can be seen , on low , its 100L . Damn , a 4 mode driver or ramping driver would be real nice [ for less than 100 Lumen output ]

Butt , 0.25A and 100L = I used to think 0.25A was OK for low , not anymore .


Is this possible?

High / 1.77A / 620L

Med / .69 / 250L

Low / .25 / 100L

620 lumens with only 1,7Amps?

250 lumens with only 0,69Amps

100 lumens with only 0,25Amps?

Seems a bit overrated since there were reports of 600-700 lumens at 2,7A

Cree's documentation on the XM-L is 260 lumens at .7 amps for the T5 bin. 658 min flux at 1.77A to the emitter by those numbers.

ummmmm If this is possible I will transplant many of my lights to xml

If it does true 600LM at 1,8 its a real winner!

yep the forever substitute of the P7´s

And with better tint!

The current measurement is as measured : I cant measure current and light output at the same time [ Id need 3 hands ]

So it may not be entirely right , current may be slightly higher in use [ less MM ]

Unfortunately the A20 unscrews in the middle ... This is only as a guide , sorry , I dont expect it to be 100% , but just to give you an idea ...

Its getting dark now , Ive charged up some 18650's for my SSC P7's , so lets check out the beams ...

But yeah , a bad light for matching current to output , I should have some XM-L T6's in a day or two , so I will build some drop ins for my L2 Hosts

Then I can measure current and output at the same time ...

Beams shortly

620 LM form 1*16430 light.... The world just went bananas.....

Very nice mod!


Try this , beams as gif ....

Its cloudy , so way to much city lights [ reflected from clouds ] , so very bad conditions for beams , but hopefully you get an idea ...

That's a neat way of doing beam shots, but can you slow down the frame rate a bit? I don't have quite enough time to look at the picture *and* read the caption. Maybe 2 seconds per frame?

can post them right here one by one?

is cutter selling them with 14mm boards yet? cant find their board size on their website

Nice GIF, I'm glad I got the larger reflector of the C8, even though several of those XM-L lights have literally the exact same beam shot images on KD. :/ The A20 is not quite big enough even for a flooder, but DANG can it flood. :D Awesome.

Cutter has 14mm boards ...

Posted a link [ first post ] for full sized pictures if anyone wants them ... Will try for a slower gif


Here it is slower