Imalent MS18 with 100,000Lumen and R90TS with 36,000Lumen

beam shots between 90ts and x65.

Did Dabo’s MS18 stop working completely from a fall?

What’s the status of these lights? Have they made it to the dealers yet?

they will arrive to the shops this week

mailcall ;)

Just gorgeous…. :sunglasses:

Cant wait for your video :smiley:

Same! Hopefully by tomorrow? :slight_smile:

lets see

lots of rain here predicted for the week - i might split Beamshots on the field and hands on into two sessions...

charged them and made a few pics:

Beautiful beast :+1:

That's a beast. Can't wait for mine to arrive..

*local news: *Strange UFO lights sighted at M4D M4X backyard hahah… :open_mouth:

I am already making flyers letting my neighbors know it’s just me with the bright lights since they thought someone was shining a flashlight through their basement windows and called the police when I got my X80-GT.

Imalent MS18 with 200,000Lumen

wow what happend ? :open_mouth:

200,000 lumen? Typo?

Hello my dear friends!

Today i present you worlds BRIGHTEST production flashlight - the IMALENT MS18 with 100 000 Lumens and his twin brother R90TS with 36 000 Lumen (but 1700m+ throw)
After a hands on i compare them outside with the Imalent MS12 (53000 Lm), the R90C (20000 Lm) and the Acebeam X70 (60000 Lm)

I wanted to give you a lot of impressions - so the video is long, especially in the beamshots i tried to give you some different ways to see the lights.

i try to add subtitles to the beamshot part so you can choose if you want to read which torch is on

If you want to buy one let me know and i try to get you the best deal!

Wow that was quick. Martin you are the man! :beer:

I think walking away from the camera to show the beam really adds to the review. Also bringing the MS12 and X70 were great ideas. Thank you!

i know its tooo long

and the long grass in front of the camera are bad too

but i was trying to be consistent with my other videos and give a useful comparison to other lights at first.

-> the glamour shots will definately follow ;)

btw: do you know this video?