Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

Interested! …and running with NiMH’s would be really nice to have! :smiley:

I’m interested





Definitely interested. Thanks


And that’s what ‘medium’ output is for: reasonable output for a long duration.

‘High’ is for bright but wincingly inefficient operation, when you need a lot of light for a while, but you’re quick about it because you know the battery won’t last terribly long.

‘Turbo’ is for those 10 or 20 seconds where you need a photon cannon, battery drain be damned.

It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, even if it comes set conservatively by default and you need to fiddle with Anduril’s settings to unlock it.

I think I’d use thermal regulation for turbo with 14500 operation (because the cell can handle the current output, probably), and timer based regulation for NiMHs (because the cell can’t handle the current for long at all).

Some members reported low output on the earlier versions.

The Sofirn SP10A V2.0 measured at 30 sec 290 lumens using an AA and 580 using a 14500.

That’s pretty decent

Just get the Sofirn 14500 that’s bundled with it for $3. It’s good for over 3amps

Yeh, even my original 1st-gen green-beam ’A (just l/m/h+s) is quite nice. My ’B (f/l/m+h) is about the same, ’though I never side-by-sided them.

No complaints at all.







I just got one of the SP10S (non Anduril version) and so far I like it but I am used to LH351D’s in both 4000k and 5000k. The only thing I don’t care for is “Eco” is significantly brighter in this version than the SP10B
