Sailing around the world need a distance safety light

Yes but they can’t throw 800 meters…

1080 is the theoretical throw, you can guess half of that of usable throw.


Is it dangerous to sail around the world?

What about encountering pirates ?

You won’t be illuminating objects on a distant shore with it, but if I were headed into that sort of environment I would absolutely have an HDS with me. Rock solid, super reliable, built to take a beating in all sorts of environments. The guy who makes them is a caver and built a flashlight he can trust his life to. I’d probably want something else too, something larger and more powerful, but the HDS would definitely be with me too.

I'd rather encounter those than pirates!

Auto corrections on phone hahah

After al suggestions above I still think you would be most happy with a thrunite tn40 or 42 and maybe the C version if you want to charge in your light.

The lep lights have a far to narrow beam. You will be waving it around like a lightsaber to see something.


How is the tint on the Maxtoch with no filter? Is it as blue/ saber like as the W30? (I love the saber look, yet my eyes choose warm > neutral > cool every time). Any difference in diameter/size of beam? The distances we are talking about are so far anyway, I don’t believe a small difference in throw would make any impact on my buying decision, unless that difference is significant. I love the W10 CRI beam tint posted in another thread…looks so nice! Now seeing the W30 is out there in high CRI, the tint feels like it could be the deciding factor. I am also seeing a premium for the CRI edition, narrowing the cost gap between the Xsword and W30 CRI. I’m interested in your take.

Thank you kind sir!


On the plus side, you could make the “fwooom fwooom” sound effects while doing that…

Still, “two is one, one is none”, especially out on the ol’ briny, so I’d get a WEP for looooong-distance throwing, a pair of big zoomies (Cometas/Z1s, Brynites, etc.) for medium distance throwing, and even a big honkin’ Q8 for closer more general-purpose use.

Could you clarify this? The Maxtoch web page Contactcr linked to says the light has an LED, not LEP, with 1900m throw. The Acebeam claims 2400m throw. Which model Maxtoch do you have, is it different from the linked one?

Maxtoch LEP

Help me out please, I am confused. :person_facepalming:

What does “LEP” stand for or mean??

I clicked the link & find no mention of “LEP”.

What am I missing??

Here’s an explanation from Weltool who also has a LEP light:

Laser Excited Phosphur

That’s when you use strobe.

@ contactcr…. Thank you for the link… that explains a lot. :+1:

One more question. If someone clicked on the Maxtoch link and did not know that was a “LEP” light, what in the written description would tell them it was??

@ KB …. “Laser Excited Phosphors” … Thank you…. :beer:

I guess I ’b’ behind the times & cutting edge a mile or two. :smiley:

Yep… attached to your Minigun ……. :beer:

I have some experience with night time boating and I suggest you bring two, the reason is when it’s a calm, clear night, a reflectored thrower (like the TN42 or the lighter Astrolux/Mateminco FT02 or FT03/MT35mini) would be enough but when the weather gets foul, wet, and water splashing from waves, foggy, etc., a reflectored thrower will show you almost nothing but a wall of fog or droplets, then you be thankful an ashperic or LEP-type for penetration would be your best illuminating tool.

EX Sailor from the ’50’s onwards. Mainly single.

Anything sticking out along any coast. If in half civilised areas.
will have a light on it.
“List of Lights”with Alphabet coding to suit. (I used K for Aust)
You should have. and Oceanic currents.
I did a lot in the Atlantic. North and South. Mainly North.
And sailed from Cape Town to Aust West Coast then round,
in the Early ’70’s in a 32 fter.
Single. Then you have NO responsibility for any others that way.

ust reef at night. Using a shaft alternator. Coupla panels and Wind Genny’s you won’t run out of steam.
But I suppose. on one of those lightweight boxes you’ll be concious of weight.
I went 32ft steel 8.5 ton of boat and rig etc. with another ton of fuel and stores.
To hold her down IN the water. By 1 1\2 inches on waterline.
Different style of sailing. But in any decent storm I know where I’d rather be.
Got through 2 x Cyclones so far. And brought up in the North Sea.

We found. Even in the 2000+’s that a 12v Spotlight used for shooting. was around the best.
While we found. Coastal. who needs more than a coupla hundred yards at most.
All on deck all alert. Spin on a dime.
A pencil beam is useless. Spread and broad centre spot is ideal.
The below unit is safer when incorporated with.

You dumb if you don’t have a Sonar unit too, even on a surface bouncer.
There’s a LOT more under the water than above.
Rocks often run out a lot further UNDER the water from Visible coast where you can’t see them.
and a shaft or towing generator keeps juice flowing.

Seriously. You doing that lap. Sonar for under (I’ve clipped 2 x Containers in shipping routes).
With a $2.500AUD Koden Digital Radar along with Shaft/Towing Alt. for night time.

24ish ft up stick will give, with a 24m unit. a good 8NM radii in good weather and 2 to 3 nm on Other Boats. Steel reflections better than Plastic.

That extra $7ish grand. WILL keep you much safer. Coastal and anywhere shallow water abounds.

There is a listing here somewhere. with OUTPUTS,beams and ranging of all to around $10k lights.
These torches mentioned are in bottom 5% if that list. Somebody here should be able to point you.

And. Keep bouncing with fairish weather. hey.