“Free” Olight I3E EOS (Desert Tan) - closed

Is this ‘deal’ over…… I couldnt get it to come up? :weary:

Yea, not seeing it anymore. In a few months, there will be some on eBay for $90.

plus shipping :money_mouth_face:

Latecomer here :beer: , squeaked in last few hours, I guess.

Thanks for the heads up, snail UPS truck coming sometime next week!

Hands up! (Couldn’t resist. LOL) :smiling_imp:

It’ no more “US Only”

Also available on FR/UK/DE olight stores :+1:

Thank you. The Olightstores you mention put a free flashlight into my cart. Small minus point:

Olight FR only ships to: France & Monaco.

Olight UK only ships to: United Kingdom & Ireland.

Olight DE only ships to: Deutschland & Österreich.


In O’Light AUST. They are $12.50 over the counter.
Just a coupla $$’s more than your free.+ $5USD postage.
and come free with any order.

Having the copper i3T I don’t think one is needed hey.

Got the Lumintop Tool AAA coupla days ago.
Jeez. the casing as like, paper thin alongside the AO1.
H.M.L settings and no Li-Po cells.
We’ll see if the AA model is an improvement.

I heard the mail carrier’s jeep coming down the road and found my light in the pile of junk mail.

I got it inside, tore it open and am impressed with the construction. It comes with a Pairdeer INDUSTRIAL alkaleak cell (which I promptly removed. Nice of them to supply one, but I don’t want to have to clean up the gunk once it leaks. I swapped in a Ni-MH cell I had laying around, removed the protective disc from the driver and enjoyed the nice and large hot-spot with a good deal of spill.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed, square threads which were already greased and an interesting optic. It doesn’t appear to be reflector with a glass lens, but something different to my aging eyes. Kinda cool.

The packaging is well done and I’m pretty sure this’ll see a good deal of use on my keychain. I’m not sure I’d call it “Desert Tan” though. More towards the brown, but I like it. It’s got a satin finish that I like and the machining allows me to grip it just fine.

Nice job Olight.

It’s probably a TIR optic. I am not sure I have seen anyone else’s TIR look like Olight’s.

Got mine . Nice white tint , nice beam profile .
Real nice .
I wonder how long I’ll have it before the wife swipes it .

Leave it somewhere where she don’t usually go very often , where she keeps the duster perhaps. :open_mouth: :smiley: :open_mouth:

Uh, oh… I think they sell pills for this.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :slight_smile:

Olight really have no interest in customers outside fr,de, or uk ,sent to both uk and de email how can i buy one to Sweden… not even a reply… thanks for that… This is just utter nonsense that a small crappy light like this is exclusive to certain regions… its not a big beefy light with 100wats of battery that has restrictions on shipment etc… im just so fed up with this :person_facepalming:

¯\ … Two thoughts:

  • Some days are diamond, some days are stone.
  • Sometimes your the windshield, sometimes the bug.

Either way, for better or worse… it is what it is.

just saw mail truck on my street…it’s comin’. :sunglasses:

Yeh PBWilson, even on the Olight site it looks browner than desert tan. No worrys though. :wink:

Improving but still… Not shipping everywhere… Sadly.

Just got it. Definitely not desert tan. But, very nice brownish !!!

Really happy with this. Super small. Everyone is on point re: color. kinda brown but still nice. Maybe thats why they were unloading them.

Hey Man Without Shadow, Is that a copper version of the same light? Also, dig your Prisoner signature line.