I’m seriously enjoying the Anduril UI, to the point where it has spoiled me for other UI’s. I’m really eager to see what other lights are produced with it. Would love to see a diving light with Anduril, something similar to the Wurrkos WK20 or Sofirn SD02A.

I’m kind of stuck understanding something. So can nearly any light with ATiny85 chip run Andúril? Is Andúril intended for certain drivers? FET+? Would multi AMC7135s work?

For a driver in a light not listed here: ~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/trunk : files for revision 249

What all is involved in running Andúril? Does it need to be compiled based on emitter, type of driver?

Sorry if these questions are answered somewhere else.

I am seriously enjoying my two Anduril lights and learning all it can do. Do you guys realize how lucky we are that our questions get answered by the person who wrote the software! Where else can you do something like that? Thanks for answering questions directly TK.

It really depends on the hardware. It’s portable across a small range of chips and driver styles, but so far, it kinda needs to run on a driver which was designed for it. One can’t easily get it running on random major-brand flashlights.

So … it’s complicated. Hardware enablement is basically its own profession, and I can’t cover all the details in a single forum post.

A lighthouse mode(like beacon, but with fast ramp up/ramp down) would be a nice add on to the blinkies :stuck_out_tongue:

Would anduril run good on eg. a Lexel 8+1 non-fet driver?

It should be fairly easy to do that, considering that the drivers are designed specifically to run various BLF firmware.

Doesn’t Anduril have two momentary brightness levels when locked out? When I first received my FW3A, I thought one click and hold (when locked out) was moon, and two click and hold was brighter? Maybe I’m not remembering correctly, but my light only has moon when locked out. Did I inadvertently change a setting?

No, you just need to update the firmware to a version newer than the 6/2 version to have 2-stage lockout (and then program the stepped modes ramp floor to your desired 2nd stage brightness)

I’d love to get into all that stuff but I’m pretty new to all of this cool flashlight business. What seems weird is I received the light with the 2 stage lock out, played with it a bunch, but now I can only get the low moon when locked out.

Maybe my stepped ramp floor is at the same low moon as my smooth ramp floor, so when ever I double click in lockout, it gives me the 2nd stage, but that 2nd stage is set to the same level so nothing changes. Could that be it?

That could be it yes. You could of accidentally reset the stepped mode ramp floor unknowingly.

Try setting it to your desired 2nd stage lockout level

Hah! That was it! Yeah, I (or my wife) must have unwittingly entered ramp config and set the floor to 1/150. Thanks TrueRMS, I wouldn’t have thought of that without your response :innocent:

Thanks for posting. And this is a very nice manual TK!

How do I download and print it out with the formatting preserved? In Notepad, it is just one big run-on paragraph. Thanks.

Saving it in any way (save the page, rightclick on the link, etc.) will get you an html page. Trash everything except the .htm/.html file itself. Optionally rename it to .txt

Edit that file. Lop off everything outside the “<pre>” and “</pre>” tags, inclusive, and save as a .txt file.

Then print it.

Funny thing is, I never saw the LOTR movies, so had to goggle where “anduril” came from. Sounded like a medication for prostate problems or something. Wellp, now I know better…

I may try this if I have too. But doesn't a PDF version of the manual exist? Thanks.

Any chance of you returning the custom old lumens Flashlight i sent to you when you were known as cereal_killer earlier this year, or are you going to keep ignoring my pm’s and emails

I have a suggestion: while ramping up/down, if the user releases the button very close to the max-regulated blink, the flashlight should assume user is trying to stop at the blink and snap back to it.

In my personal fork I added a short delay (hold time) after the blip. Your idea sounds interesting as well, but the ramping is rather fast and thus it would cover a big range of levels.

Yes, the time delay is a good solution also.

I thought about this previously (time delay) for going above the ceiling. Right now you have the ramp ceiling and double-click to turbo. But nothing in between (going up) which can be unfortunate if you set a low ceiling.

Perhaps it would be useful to have a medium delay (idk maybe ~2s ?) to “break through” the ceiling and continue ramping above it?
Or maybe not, I am just thinking out loud. :slight_smile:
