ENDED: BLF A6 5A (4000K) + 30Q battery for $13.96

BG wrote it is out of stock. Wörth waiting?

The light is worth having but this deal is probably gone for good. The next deal will be here soon. Sub. $20 for this light is pretty common, just keep an eye out.

Well, I ordered it in time! BG offers paying me back, a replacement, or to wait until it is in stock again.

Yep, same here. I asked for a refund since I have two of them already

Just got notice that my order is out of stock and will have to wait longer.

Exactly the same. Refund request because I have two already and this waiting can take “forever”.
Too many good deals all the time to be bothered with that.

I rememebered the cell was included, so I didn’t react. Really curious if this is actually a Samsung.

In 1 of my comment. Let’s see who received this light at that price.

True enough, it’s just some system error or whatsoever…

They probably forgot to set the flash sale to deny coupons

I’m away from laptop and cannot change my option to wait for restock… crap.
I hope they won’t reffund

Sorry to hear that…

If anyone has light shipped, please post here.

The ones I ordered a couple of years ago came with real 30Q’s.

I’m betting that nobody gets their light shipped at that price. The pricing was probably a screw-up. It’ll get refunded.

I received mail that my order is out of stock.
I chose to wait until Sept 28th, maximum allowed.

Filed a complaint because it is still being sold.

I received the email too but when I try to go to my order it’s gone. Tried via the app and the direct link they sent.

Does this mean they’ve refunded it without waiting for my response or something else?

The link in the mail was valid for one day only.

Now that I’ve chosen to wait my order just sits there, saying shipping is to be expected … yesterday :person_facepalming:

Yes I tried it immediately when I got the email, when that didn’t work immediately after that I logged into the app and looked there. Zero trace of the order anywhere except PayPal (which doesn’t show it as refunded or anything out of the ordinary).

Ninja edit: click on “all orders”, it’s [obviously] in the back ordered category which doesn’t have a separate link

What a mess. I almost ordered one and I’m certainly glad I didn’t. Hopefully it will end up ok for everyone.


I think everyone should file a complaint, urging them to honour the deal :smiley: .

I’ll step in when they offer up an A5. with or without battery.
I have around a dozen spare of 18650’s.
Need some 900 18350’s now.