Sky Lumen Nguyen Flashlight

What is the advantage of that many emitters in a host this small?

Also a good final test would be a drop/throw test I think, impact resistance would go a long way to showing durability too!

This specific will be revealed close to the release with official production pictures and details.

The more LEDs you have the better the efficiency at lower levels.
Take the X80GT for example with its 18 XHP50.2. This light can run 4000L level SUPER LONG heat wise vs a light of similar mass running a single XHP50.2 pushed to 4000L.
More LEDS = Greater turbo lumen. Always exciting to push boundaries.
More LEDS = more enjoyment while the LED is ON or OFF Wink
This specific light engine will also be especially useful for photography, videography, diving, diffuse lantern, ceiling bounce, woods navigation, attics, real estate illumination…

Yes impact tests is very important and it’s test number 7. Still have 5 and 6 to do today though. :slight_smile:

I totally missed “impact test” in the list :person_facepalming:

I’m sure it will pass these next tests with flying colors, hopefully you can get some sleep soon then haha!

Actually running a 5100mAh 21700 cell with a quad white2 is no joke. The light will get WAY TOO hot to hold at some point and I am really not sure if the all the internals can hold up to the heat. 18650 volatge sag faster so the max heat period isn’t likely too long but 21700 should last a bit longer. Gotta set this up outdoor to be safe. Video will be boring to watch but the test is crucial to see how the electronics hold up.

Anyone want to guess how long it takes for the light to get to Too Hot To Hold?

With quad Osram CSLPM1.TGs I’m guessing 3 minutes or so considering the amount of aluminum. Of course too hot to hold is subjective, so I can see it being extended out to 4 minutes.

I am very interested

That would be my guess too

:slight_smile: Cheers!

Crap shop just made a correction. Testing sample Proto V3 is 6065 not 2011. Even softer! Yikes!!!

I love the X80GTvn I received from Vinh two weeks ago. I measured 28.9k lumens in the TA lumen tube but considering how lumen tubes measure flood lights lower than throw lights, due to some of the spill not being captured, and this light is like a mule, that translates to about 32k lumens or more. This is good boost considering Acebeam lumen ratings are usually inflated by a good amount despite their throw ratings are conservative. I am also impressed how this thing can run pretty much indefinitely on the 4000 lumen mode. It is MUCH smaller and lighter than the MT03 that uses the XHP70.2 and a good amount smaller and lighter than the MF01S but runs much more efficiently due to the number of emitters. It makes it extremely practical for indoor use and for indoor photography. Great practical worklight that I use for my inspections. However, X80GTvn is still a bit too big because I need both hands to stabilize my huge phone for picture taking while holding the light so a single cell 21700 multi-cell mule would be ideal for my work use.

SKV89 and SKY69 geeeee

Ph nice review. X80GTvn and D18vn are the best for me.

Yeah my only concern with the 12-ish emitter setup would be heat. Definitely more efficient at a set output, but if the driver has a direct-drive mode that could get hairy with how much current the new high-drain 21700s can deliver.

I’m not the target audience for a mule in general though so I’ll let someone else figure that out. :smiley:

Your torture tests video are exciting and fun to watch. Looking forward to the 9mm and the 20g bird shot test…? Juuust kidding lol

Now I really want to shoot the production 7075. Not sure if I can afford to but friend has all calibers up to S&W500. He said 9mm would be a breeze and he knows his metal since he is the one at the shop.

Even I’ve confused SKY69 for myself. Several times I saw his posts and was shocked I ever posted that only to find shortly after it wasn’t my post. :person_facepalming:

SLN Serial 000 Proto V3
Machined engraving help preserved the marks that laser engraving otherwise wouldn’t

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I just perform the heat test and the results were extremely surprising. While video is uploading give me a guess on the following values:

Ambient temperature 67F
Light engine Quad White2 + VN4 with thermal protection disabled.
Manker 4800mAh 21700 tested cell
2500L at 30s

Time in Min until “too hot to hold”:
Time in Min until peak temp reached:
Can circuitry handle heat nonstop?
Max start up lumen:
Test ending lumen:

Free Tange V2.1 in your choice of color for top 2 closest guess.

That’s one nice light Vinh.

Originally Posted by LarryB View Post

“Wow, you really are trying hard! Doing a burn-out over it parallel was bad enough, and even though 6061 is soft, the hard ano was enough to protect it, and you didn’t scratch the ano! Perpendicular was asking too much for the 6061, it’s just too soft. 7075 would have had problems as well, but the scratches would have been much more minor, it’s MUCH harder than 6061. Other than some of the other really expensive lights made by small makers like us the lights are 6061 or sometimes 2011. The main advantage of 6061 is corrosion resistance, which is why it’s used in aircraft, but it’s soft and lower in strength than either 2011 or 7075. 7075 is getting up close to steel in its characteristics, but is VERY expensive, which is why it’s not used in many if any high production flashlights. As long as the flashlight is anodized and/or alodyned, corrosion resistance isn’t an issue.

Since you seem bent on destroying it, you should really keep going after you hit it with your high powered pellet rifle. I’d go for 22, then 308 and 9mm. Even though it’s 6061, it’s strong enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets as far as the 9mm. Who knows, it might even handle the 9mm. I’m pretty confident that the 7075 will survive a 9mm if you don’t hold it fixed solidly, and who knows, it might even survive that. If you had had the 6061 versizn glued down to the asphalt strongly enough to keep it from detaching during Phuong’s burn-out, I doubt very much that the hard ano would have been fazed.”

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Our man has finally spoken! Mr. Larry is the man behind all of the computer design. On our road trip to Cali last summer Phuong and I met up with Mr. Larry and his wife for dinner to thank him for a huge purchase that he made to help me acquire my engagement ring for Phuong. Some of you might have remember that the sale close prematurely as be bought all of the lights from the sale to help me out. During dinner Larry proposed that its finally time I should build my first light. He volunteered his time and expertise with computer design and machining FREE OF CHARGE! We got SLN today 50% due to Mr. Larry! I likely contributed 10% to the left over 50%. :stuck_out_tongue:

A dear gratitude to the man that have done everything for us without ever asking for anything in return. The man that has put up with my countless request for changes in design and unreasonable requests. The man that made all my talk happened. Thank You!!!
