So you're quarantined...what did you do today?


Been there, Done that. :wink:

testing a bunch of solar panels a neighbor threw out with defunct deer feeders.
all were good.
been given a “stay home” order but since i do service for essential businesses and build equipment for a client in the medical field i and still doing some work.
no pc’s, tv’s ect or non essential walk in stuff.
just industrial stuff.
but i got plenty of off time.

I ordered a new commuting bike just before we were sent home, so Friday I went out for a “commute”

My normal commute is 18 mi each way, so this one was a little short at just 16 mi out-n-back.

So…we binged “Tiger King” on Netflix

There aren’t enough facepalm emojis to express myself on these folks. It’s worth a watch but it won’t bring your hope for humanity up.

I gotta catch up on “Picard”…

Welcome to BLF 90210 :slight_smile: .
Im considered having a essential job, so I went to work today as usually.
I dont know if that’s good or bad but reading some of these post and wonderful pics, makes me jealous.
I love to fish, just dont have much time for it anymore.
Those nice fishing pics kind of remind me of Florida.

Ate six meals, napped three times and it’s only 10:52AM. :neutral_face:

sold today 2 baby cats
finished 3 Enderman drivers for a German forum member

Two weeks ago, I did a referb on my wife’s aunts Singer sewing machine made in 1950.
Then have spent time trying and modifying different mask designs.
I go to the office on Sundays and check the phone machine to see how much business I’m missing.

Just for Fun. Here is Ozzy Man comp of Bug time - time outs.
Warning - Blue language.

Keep safe,
All the Best,

Ahnold is still awesome. And he got the right idea.

I took the cover off our inground pool and found most of the water is gone . The deep end has water but for the most part it’s not good news.

I should have stayed in the house.

The patterns on some of those kittens is truly beautiful.
Nothing brightens up a day better than a basket full of kittens or puppies.
All the Best,

Looking for a lost flashlight became Olde Tyme spring cleaning - move & clean in & under couches, chairs, tables. Vacuum & scrub upholstery. Put found dog bones back into their toy box. Put found spectacles into pocket. Move things back where they came from. Looks great!

Still haven't found that light...


Some morning shagging after wake up. Than a breakfast. Than shagging again. Than some sleep. And shagged her again. Dinner time, siesta and shagging again. Coffee, cake, rest and more shagging. Supper, nice movie, shagging and bed time. Rinse and repeat.
Quarantine is a nice time, isn’t it?

took 7 year old boy twin kids out for their 3 hour outside session
frisbee throw, frisbee dodge, set things on fire w magnifying glass, run around, talk loud, isolate

1. watched the movie: “Tightrope” with Clint Eastwood. although it’s supposed to be a crime drama, it was a comedy to me since his character keeps getting in bed with his pet dogs.
2. reviewed wildlife images from my 6 trail cameras: coyotes, crows, deer, foxes, hawks, opossums, raccoons, skunks, and one wasp that tried to build a nest on the lens.
3. made two cobblers: peach and cherry. the peach disappeared first.

Spent over 2 hours hoovering my bedroom. The floor hasn’t been this clean since I first moved in.

Refinishing kitchen cabinets, started yesterday.
Only did top cabinets for now as 2 doors on bottom will need wood putty and basically some body work before they can be redone.

Doesn’t go near as fast as on TV for some reason :slight_smile:

Took the Street legal dirt bike for a 20 mile ride as the weather was awesome for PA this time of year (67 degrees, Sunshine)
People were everywhere outside, some sitting on porches, lots walking dogs and kids, saw one volleyball game, saw an older couple burning a fire in a old truck rim.
Came home from that and did a second coat on the backs of the cabinet doors and then took the Antique Mazda pickup out for a short ride with wifepoo.

Police were making presence shown but feel that there is an unwritten agreement, you can go for a ride, just don’t be a dick and give us a reason to pull you over because we don’t want to risk our own health and we realize everyone for the most part are obeying the new rules.
People have to be able to still live their lives during this crisis. Think it is a nice balance with Johnny Law.

Back home, rehang doors and enjoy 3 beers and here I am.
Hope everyone is good.
