Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

Though it may be safe for the cell, still seems weird not to have any notification because if the boost chip drops out, I would think the light just turns off with no notice.

Intersted. Definitely want a “non-ano” version.

If it has nimh support and not just li-ion, I’m interested.

If I remember right the PAM2803 boost IC that alot of these AA lights use drops out about .7v shuting off the light. It does kind of give a warning at around .7v where the light output is getting really dim before shut off.
I’m kind of wondering if going that low might be a problem for the mcu.

Interested. Would love to see Andruil ui or some kind of ramping os in a blf version of this light. Would be the ultimate carry if it could also work on nimh AA, but I would still buy if only 14500.

Just fyi, Lexel and gchart are actively discussing and working on a design that's Atmel based so we can run Anduril on it.


Thanks for the update Tom E. I presume this will be li-ion only then.

Hum, not knowing anything about electronics, wouldn’t that go “against” the whole concept of this “project”? :zipper_mouth_face:

No, the design being discussed retains AA compatibility.

Thank you for clarifying gchart! And thanks for your efforts (= all the people involved in this project!!!) !!

Oh :+1:

Interested really depends on what cells it accepts.
Love my Anduril lights

That’s great news gchart and thank you for helping carry on the project. Do you know if the boost ic has been picked?
Is it the PAM2803 or something different?

There’s been a bit of talk back and forth on the overall design. As it currently stands, I think the plan is to keep most of the driver the same, just replacing the PIC with an AVR and a little rewiring to make the new connections. A couple minor tweaks are being looked at. Things like the boost IC don’t have any planned changes to my knowledge.

If it isn’t broken why fix it, compatiblity though is a good thing.

I am curious if the design will retain Andúril's (three clicks from off) "battery voltage blink-out" or Andúril's (built-in) "low voltage protection for Li-ion batteries".

All the "AA/14500" compatible lights I am aware of do not have built-in low voltage protection in order to allow operation with the lower voltage AA batteries and recommend only using protected 14500 Li-ion batteries because of this.

I do not mind using protected Li-ion batteries, but would sure miss being able to check the Li-ion battery's voltage while the battery is still in the light in order to determine the approximate remaining capacity.

Thanks to all those advancing this project towards a successful reality.

early design process putting it together, still not final design or prototype stage now

