WTB: Jetbeam RRT01 – Any place to buy it?! + [RRT01 2019 discussion]

I do like the new RRT-01 and 03. They’re cool lights with a nice interface.

Even though it feels a little odd carrying one around since an FW3A with 18650 installed is the same size as the 18350 Jetbeam, while being much more powerful with much longer battery life.

My 2020 rrt01 has wobbly tail stand regardless if on or off. It looks designed to be flush clicked in but mine missed by about 1/2 mm. It’s a definitely wobbly tail stand.

I asked Jetbeam if it is possible to buy the extension tube separately.
Yes, it is possible. The cost is $10 + $8 shipping

Out of curiosity, I also asked about the hole in the control ring. They stated that it has no function.

That’s funny, they told me it was to put grease in :slight_smile: At least on the one I just got, it is also perfectly indexed with the back (front?) of the light, so that if the hole is directly opposite the clip, it is at the center of the rotation range.

Mine also won’t do a perfect tail stand, though it is so close when it is clicked on. My initial impression is that I think it is a high cri emitter, just not with the greatest tint. But what do I know, and I haven’t had much time to play with it, maybe tomorrow. Hopefully someone with some equipment can just confirm it one way or the other soon :).

If not already mentioned different copies have different length battery tubes. I have two 2019 versions. One is is clearly longer than the other. The longer one closes all the way and the shorter one has the big gap.

Does the shorter one has strobe and SOS?

> I have two 2019 versions. One is is clearly longer than the other.

that is new info to me
mystery solved

is there a difference in markings to recognize which one is the long model?

hoping someone will do a photo lineup comparing the different variations

Best I can do but the different markings are noticeable. That’s if this picture actually posts!


Crap that didn’t work. Anyone can feel free to post up here. I think all I put up was a link…

How to Post Images on BLF:


No difference in markings on my samples - and a bit less than 3mm difference in length

Engraving looks different.

Engraving looks different.

Not really

The ones that say jetbeamworld.com must be older as it’s not a jetbeam site now. I wonder why they made it longer. Could it be to accommodate protected 18350?


a protected 18350 is 4mm longer than unprotected

if the lights were standing on their tails, vertical side by side on a table, the height difference would be more obvious, but I can already see that the difference is revealed by the pocket clip screws… they are in the middle of the tail lug, on the short one and not centered on the long one:

so the threaded portion is unchanged, but the tail end is longer

could you take a photo of the Four Versions of RRT-01, tailstanding side by side? :slight_smile:

Sorry about the cat hair, he was sure that I set these up for him to knock down… repeatedly :frowning:

thanks for the 4 model photo…
my cat also likes to investigate when I take pics… LOL

your 2012 shares the strobe capable driver with the newer models. (based on no RRT in the serial number itself). These do not fit protected 18350, the light wont close. (I use unprotected IMR 18350, with due diligence)

the short 2019 fits protected 18350, but has a cosmetic gap (does not affect water proofing)

the long 2019 fits protected 18350 with no cosmetic gap

the 2020 fits protected 18350 also with no cosmetic gap

Someone had to do it, and post at least... pardon my lack of ability to make consistent wb or format a post cleanly, but you'll get the idea.

219b sw45k 2020 rrt01 on the left

Vs 319c ~80cri 5000k triple in a convoy

Vs emisar d1 xpl-hi 4000k (forgot the rest of the numbers/ letters that go with that)

Initial impression, excellent of course! Went from unusable xpl hi 6500 something or another with horrible tint, but admittedly bright. I have harbor freight lights at work that feel ultra high cri compared to it, should've taken some documenting photos for posterity. Went from that neat unusable light to the top of the class. Anyone want to trade a stock jetbeam xpl-hi for emitter swap? Is there a thread for intentionally bad mods? trashy mods? Donated donor host/ drivers welcome :p. I'll try the yang with the ying. Wait, isn't that called a tactical light?

Last thoughts, would still like a more robust spill and softer boundary to spot. Without sacrificing output yada yada, that might be a pipe dream. Custom reflector? How to do?

Early on, during the extended Corona shipping time (actually, Neal got it to me pretty fast), i had really wanted the extenders for longer batts... but faced with reality, they make for funny proportions, and i dont have the button tops to use them with. Unless i poach out of those harbor freight lights from work... but that wouldn't result in desired run time lengthening, might go the other way actually.

Control ring on mine is dry and pretty loose action . Need to experiment with grease injection into that alleged grease hole before i go Jonathan on the ring assembly with my non wimpy thread lock breaking tools...i think i see some wispy grease traces through said hole. Lemme ask jetbeam snd i get to choose my answer!


Do my pics show finally? I hear you other newbs. I might've learned me something (that was harder than the soldering and all that stuff). Image hosting whathuh?

I might've made all my inappropriate pics public tho in the process. "I gotta small gritty tool." "Here's one of my clicky...i think i like twisties." Etc etc... It's all too enticing for the imugr weirdos. These flashlight titles too titillating!

Someone told me how to lose the riffraff...it didn't take...haha... so far still entertaining and novel though. Someone said 2 minutes after i uploaded it that my tool was so small snd cute...5 seconds later another said "at least it's hard" (ya, because it's a tool ti! so obvious, duh! )


This is what quarantine does to us.

So does the spill have rings in it or is it well focused using 219b?

Right, gotta do something other than climb walls.
No rings im noticing, unless you counted way at the bezel edge, i suppose off the ss ring. And when i first assembled without the centering ring. That was like a tie dye shirt x bullseye …