Sofirn SC31 PRO, New Anduril Flashlight

Which USB tester do people recommend please

Ran mine first few hours on a topped-off 25R (more current that the above), so should be fine there.

Yep, can post this eve.

This is what I have so far:

Thanks Tom E. This is helpful.
Do you have to de-soldier the switch wires to pull the driver out?

I didn't for the pics. Dunno yet - didn't take the switch cover off yet - sometimes you can squeeze the switch board thru the hole. Even if you can't, I've dremel'ed out the hole a bit to make it fit thru on other lights. You could though leave it like I have it to re-program. You can get access to the MCU this way. The FET is somewhat buried behinf the USB-C connector.

The springs don't seem to get fully compressed on a flat top cell, so could probably pick up some power by adding bypasses.

The white stuff is thermal grease, not glue - actually looks like decent quality - moist, right amount applied.

Hi all, sofirn SC31pro are avaiable on amazon US now! Please click this link to join our deals!

Thanks Tom E, your pictures and your Description in post #150 are really really helpful. I ordered 2 SC31 Pro, i think I can try one for experiment/learning :nerd_face: , I’m interested in Anduril-2 :slight_smile: :smiley:

That’s a really good news!

How many lumens at minimum of ramp?

Just got mine after a hold up in customs. Really impressed. Excellent value and no issues noted. I will order another.

Got mine in 5000K as well. Great value overall, great tint with no green. Sharp fins and sharp lanyard hole, as is tradition. Lanyard hole doesn’t align with anything like it does on my FC11. Also, not happy with the smooth reflector. Thinking of trying to put OP from FC11 or a TIR. All in all, my new EDC with a short tube. Just need that deep carry clip now.

AFAIK, or at least based on the current draft of Anduril 2.0’s documentation, voltage calibration is included:

Anyone else find it disappointing that a “Pro” light with perhaps the quintessential hobbyist’s UI is still glued together?

It’s not like there’s a thread with perhaps the most loyal customers asking for Sofirn to reconsider that practice…

According to Sofirn, the button LED turns red when battery is lower than 2.8V. I am thinking, does it make sense? 2.8V sounds too low to me, at 2.8V battery is basically empty.

You mean the blue stuff? If you read the description of blue Loctite, it's the mildest form of Loctite there is:

Guess it's still glue...

What’s the simplest way to remove the chamfer from the lanyard hole so it doesn’t chew up a lanyard?

Very nice flashlight :smiley:

Yup, that’s a nice SC31 PRO. Is everything ok? The usb-c charging port ok or is it off center?

You have a nice collection of Flashlights :+1:

Is it normal that I can feel the light buzz in my hand when in rapid strobe mode? It’s like a vibration. I can feel the pulses. Does anyone else’s do this?