Image Boss! (no politics, no sexy pics) Have fun. ❤️

Long but skinny “lightbar” along the front.

(Uhh, yeah, I’m kidding.)

:smiley: I think front lights are removed by design, you only want to drive this car in broad daylight, when everybody can see it.

Ok since it was a bit early, and popular I’ll kinda continue it, with a twist. Since the winning photo was a concept car, I’d like to see photo’s of ANY concept car / motorcycle / van / lorry etc - but from any year.
BMW Titan concept motorcycle -

hard to beat the RAESR tachyon if we talking about cool concepts.

Is that thing riding on tweels?

I did a little research, and I think so.

Ford Gyron

Of all the space-age-inspired concepts to emerge from Detroit, the conception and development of the Ford Gyron from 1961 is arguably the most intriguing.

Sorry, I didn’t know there was a time limit I had to allow for entries. I will keep that in mind when I win it back with this: Dodge Tomahawk - motorcycle with Viper V10 between your legs

There isn’t a time limit, don’t worry :+1: :slight_smile: it is entirely up to you.

Yep, anything under 72 hours is good.

You could wait 72 hours or longer, but there is the risk that someone else might declare themselves Image Boss before you can choose a winner.

I think he meant a time limit on leaving it open, ie he could do it within 24 hours if he wished - not so much a time limit on the Max time he chose it in ie 72 hours and no pick means anyone can pick.
That’s the way I read it at any rate. :+1:

Pontiac Banshee concept car, 1964

The “Doof Wagon” from Mad Max. Good for apocalyptic mobile concerts.


I think you need to get rid of everything after .jpg for the image to show up on my screen.

Thanks for the tip RC!

I think RC has it with Audi 4x4 is it? Awesome looking thing!and second is the Ford Gyron which is about as cool as a vintage concept gets!
Take it away RC

Thanks, G0OSE!

Okay, going with the vehicle theme, show me ugly or undesirable vehicles.

functuglyness pizzalargeorderness needs a sign on it USPS Mail trucks look better