3 FREE TruRugged Keychain Lights - GIVEAWAY CLOSES NOVEMBER 10th

It’s always nice to see giveaways, and I especially like tiny keychain lights. But since it’s US only (would be nice to put that in the title) I don’t qualify. The other factor is the non-rechargeable batteries which I prefer to avoid.

wait why uk and nz, thats 2 opposite sides of the world lol

cool little light, signed up.

Okay, let’s make it UK, NZ, Falkland and Gibraltar only :wink:
Just kidding. TruRugged: you are new on this forum and you start off with a GAW. Thanks :+1:
There are long-year members, who are in on every GAW, and never have done one themselves.
Let’s stick to the first rule about GAW’s: it’s your GAW, so it’s your rules.

wait i thought only manufacturers or retailers do giveaways…why should members do giveways just cuz they been here a long time and been in every giveaway?

Hey everybody,

Please don’t forget to sign up because there’s only 5 days left!


Will be signing up

Signed up! I’m actually fond of button cell lights. A well-designed button cell light lasts forever and the batteries last a long time also. I have one made by Streamlight (Keymate) I got almost 20 years ago and still works.


Thank you!

US only :person_facepalming:

Interesting kit for personal use it might be too many pieces, maybe offer also a smaller kit in multiples of 5 , 10 etc. Maybe without tools and it would keep the price down, shipping too.


Thanks so much to everyone.

I’m hearing that the kit is too big.

I’m going to make a smaller version of the kit for a lower price.


I signed up. I read some reviews and one said the light claims 100 lumens for 168 hours. Guessing the light is 100 lumens on fresh batteries, and eeks out enough light 168 hours later to make the claim. Is there any detailed run time data?

I’m sorry. Unfortunately I don’t have detailed runtime data.

I’m a nut for tiny lights, button cells or otherwise. For under $9.00 with free shipping I just went ahead and ordered one.

What’s your favourite keychain light?

Well if I win one I’ll provide it for you . . . :wink:

Just signed up :slight_smile:

Nice light
Let us know when you will ship to Australia