New to this. Waiting on's painful

I’m slowly starting to learn self control, lost it for a few days. I still do want more lights but going to wait on these first to compare emitters/tints and see what I prefer. Also anderil very 2 is around the corner so probably best to wait for it get adopted on some new lights before I go on another spending spree.

Welcome to the club! :smiley:

Looks like you’ve done some research on what to buy first.
I have the 5K SP31 Pro, Tool AA, and the BLF SP36. All are great lights.
The Tool AA is just about the best AA/14500 light yet offered.

I bet 5 minutes after they all arrive, you’re purchasing more of those lights on your list.

Just an FYI, if you’re buying from the Sofirn site, or any other China based seller, selecting a light that includes batteries usually takes longer to ship, because of the lithium batteries.

Waiting for lights is fine. 2-3 months is a quick wait compared to many other hobbies I know of.
I’ve seen other hobbies where pre-orders can take up to 2 years and some even up to 3 years to get things delivered

That’s quite a LOT of lights for a first! Good luck and congrats!

Yeah in need an AA /14500 tool aa is on the top of the list. I heard rumors of updated BLF sp10s in the working, that would be nice. The convoy t2 is now available with lh351 with a couple of tint options, that could also be a decent pick.

Overtime…it doesn’t get any easier

Holy S@#T, you’ve got it bad man . Stop to smell the roses. :smiley:

That pretty much nails it. :smiley:

It never really ends :smiley:

Yes, wait to see what you prefer. A big mistake I made was ordering some lights in warm tints before realizing that I very much prefer cooler tints for outdoor use or sometimes neutral tints for indoors. Depends on the emitter and beam charactoristics. I find the yellowish or “rosy” tints kind of unpleasant. To each his own I guess.

I gave away the lights with warmer

I’ve recently received my last 2 orders from Fasttech that I ordered in May. Yep, almost 6 months.

As some others have noted, I’m finding it never ends. Lately I’m blaming Astrolux for bringing out new and interesting lights twice a week, (seems like!).

Definitely wait. I started this compulsion… i mean hobby(?) about 8 months ago (although it had been brewing for years) and it took me a couple of lights/ emitters to realize what i liked it terms of CCT / optic/etc. I mean like most of us it seems like you will probably buy a light for every situation and then 2-10 more backups for all of those situations, but waiting for the first batch of orders to come in could save you from selling half of these early lights or at least save the space on your shelves. Also, the buyers remorse can be real… sometimes. It usually takes me about 12 - 24 hours after spending over $100 on flashlights to question my life decisions… LOL. Plus, it’s only hard to wait the first time, because then you will have flashlights to play with while you wait every other time. Welcome !

Instead of many so-so lights you could buy Zebra and some money left in the pocket.


^ SAME. I almost deleted my access to BLF and Banggood after they announced the EA01 yesterday… :person_facepalming:

Rule #1: be patient
Rule #2: be polite

Following rule #1 + rule #2: (almost always) happiness (AKA lots of lights).

Good point, I don’t need a drawer full of so-so lights…only can fit so much in my pocket at one time.

Hah yeah I dove head first. I think I got over the lust phase… slowing my roll now.

Sp31 pro came in , I love it especially the UI. Smooth ramping is a joy, let’s you adjust the button glow… etc. Candle mode is really nice to use indoors love that it shuts off after 30 mins and mimics a candle burning out at the end. I have a diffuser coming which should work well with this mode. I was hoping the flashlight would be a little brighter but the tint is neutral white which I like, Cri seems acceptable. It has decent throw with some good spill… overall a winner in my book.

Why buy from China when there is Banggood and sometimes Amazon has the same thing locally as well?