Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Regarding excess deaths I have heard the argument from many that somehow this isn’t real. Do not understand how that could be a reasonable assumption given the appearance of temporary morgues and mass graves all over the world. Probably spent too much time looking into this but FWIW, here is an overview of a variety of studies on the topic.

Denial is a coping mechanism. Feeding it is big business.

Well said

Nevermind, what I originally posted here turns out to be arguable but not appropriate to think about here.


A list of ways the coronavirus is worse than influenza:

Upgrade your mask:

Quora? Really?

Feeling much stronger…. went from barely walking 11 days ago to +/- 1500’ a day with a walker……. Up from 130lbs to 143. Time is moving in slow motion…… but that may be the medicine :person_facepalming: :beer: :beer:

Yes, Quora, really, because I can and do check a writer’s qualifications before recommending something s/he has written.
You can look this stuff up.

In other news, a comparison of various governments’ responses:

Using data from that site: See How Coronavirus Restrictions Compare to Case Counts in Every State - The New York Times

Hey that sounds like some good progress, especially on the weight—keep up the good work.

Coscar, glad to hear you keep getting better. Not that it’s any of my business but you got me curious what your “fighting weight” was before the virus hit you.

Superb news, Coscar. Great progress. :+1:

Thanks yall…… :beer:

Are your doctors recommending the vaccine? Just wondering if you are immune now.

Hang in there Coscar! You’re pulling through! Thanks for the update.

I'm glad you're doing better, Coscar!

I hope you can gain some more of your weight back.

When I had a nervous breakdown decades ago I dropped down to 130 pounds.

I was just skin and bones.

Now I weigh about 175, and that is a good weight for me.

We’re now facing the result of the second wave. About 400 deaths per day where the infections spiked in the past. Later we’ll be counting permanent health issues of the survivers.

What if we had done nothing?

The CDC says it found Corona Virus in RED Cross blood donations in early December 2019