Which TV show did you watch lastֻ

I thought Queens gambit was excellent . Reminded me to go back and watch Searching for Bobby Fischer again .

Watch some Karpov Kasparov fights on YT. Much more exciting, but you need to understand what is chess game all about. No bells and whistles, pure game. Far from netflix crap.

I don’t understand the game much but I can see how challenging it is though having to think so many moves ahead.

Been watching “The Mandalorian”. Always been a Star Wars fan, unfortunately I thought the sequel trilogy was trash. This show really seems to be breathing new life into the franchise. Thank you, Jon Favreau.

Earth at Night on ATV+ -

Should be watched in 4K on a good display.

The new Greys Anatomy has everyone in a mask and I'm assuming it was shot in april or may ? and the whole show is about Co-vid . bad enough that they wanted to endlessly preach you with socially relevant ? topics anyway . now they do it while wearing masks muffling thru their lines and still trying to drive home an agenda thru media . What was timely and maybe relevant 6months ago is depressing and painful to watch . It's like watching actors desperately trying to keep their jobs while spitting out the corporate party line and acting like it's acting . Very sad tv .

“Home Improvement”, re-watching it. old-school but good show :smiley:

You watch a medical drama and get disgruntled when they portray some small portion of reality? Covid isn’t political, and the actors aren’t trying to “Drive home an agenda”. If it’s too “Depressing and painful to watch”, then don’t watch it.

Your Honor (2020 - )

This is an amazing show, guys. Bryan Cranston has found another blockbuster TV show to star in.

Raised by Wolves.


Yeah, I was curious about Brian Cranston’s new show - good to hear that it is well done. I don’t receive that channel in my cable package, unfortunately.

I have caught a few episodes of HBO’s documentary called “Murder on Middle Beach.” This is a documentary done over several years by the son of a murdered woman and producers who help him. The son interviews various people involved, and the local police department and a private detective, in an effort to figure out who killed his mother. It is particularly painful for the son to do this investigation, because three family members are suspected of possibly being involved for different reasons, and there were also other reasons uncovered during the investigation, very unflattering to the victim, for suspecting there could have been any number of other people very upset at the victim and possibly motivated to murder her. So the son has to grapple with the implications of what all of this information means with regard to his views of his mother and other family members. I have not seen the last of four episodes, that airs tonight (I think). Interesting documentary.

I once watched (or tried to) GA, but it was more of a soap-opera than a medical show.

Not at all like “House” or even “ER”.

Come to think of it, it sounds like something House would watch in a comatose patient’s room when ducking Cuddy.

Oh, and I said ducking

He is doing what should have been done with the last three of the Skywalker Saga.

Jon Favreau is going back to what made Star Wars great. Hat tips to story tellers of the past and believable character interactions. The way they are writing the other venerable old hunter is outstanding. He is not a Vilnian, not an Anti Hero, not a Hero. He has his own code and is abiding by it. Such good writing.

Has it been getting better as it is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww. I have made it in to about 5-6 episodes but not getting much better.

I loved the show House, but I saw every episode years ago.

Cuddy is so hot that I think I cannot post a (sexy) pic of her on this family website.

We’ve only watched the first episode. Raised by Wolves came to the UK a few days ago.

So far I’m happy with the pacing. My one concern is it ends up being too derrivative. Androids raising children has been done to death.

It is on NowTV / Sky which means no 4k either. WestWorld was the same < sigh >

Now watching, The Mandalorian, season 1
Coming up, His Dark Materials and Queen’s Gambit

In one episode, House had a dream in which Cuddy was pole dancing (or something similar). Still trying to figure out if she got a body double to do that dance scene.

EDIT: No body double, apparently…

100% ! I agree. Out of all the new Star Wars content the ONLY good ones have been “Rogue One” and “The Mandalorian” rest have been a disappointment.

Oh no! I’ve only seen the first episode and liked it. Does it go downhill from there?