The making of the BLF UC4 charger: the start of a new venture, INTEREST LIST, UPDATE 7 (Well, ramping stopped :/ )

In for one if this ever gets produced :slight_smile:

BTW guys, sorry if I wasn’t on the forum at all for such a long time.

I just have had so many mental issues recently.

I didn’t want to tell anyone here about them. I was so stressed about it, I just couldn’t come to this community again.

Upon seeing the forum again and then PM from others saying people cared about me, I just started crying about being an ignorant, mental stricken fool who temporarily left a community which supported me and helped me out during harder times than the usual.

COVID and all that snazz doesn’t justify my poor behavior.

I will make it up to you guys. I will get this project up and running again!

Take care BS!

Please take care of yourself first BlueSwordM. We are here for you now and will be here later too.

Glad you're back BSM and don't take it personally as most of us here have mental issues :P

It’s very saddening to see you having troubles BlueSwordM. If you think they are serious - please go to a doctor. If you have some deeper issues, being cheered by friends will help only for a while.

I’ve went this route and it set me straight…it took several years but it was well worth it.

I’ve went to a doctor, and that’s how I got the issues diagnosed luckily. It has gotten quite a bit better now, which is why I came back here.

I actually noticed the issues when school started, and my drive for doing difficult stuff went down considerably.

There are a lot of things to do here, but not right now, as I’m currently in the period for finals, so studying is of paramount importance.

Am very sorry to hear that.. :(I wish you all the best and quick recovery my friend

It’s really makes me very sad every time I hear someone is sick..

take care my friend I support you in every way I can (and god knows it)

You don’t owe us anything, regardless of how many people might be interested in the thread, and between this and school, school definitely comes first. Don’t ever let any complainers convince you otherwise. They are entitled to their money back, or lack thereof.

I hope you are doing well, BlueSwordM.

I have mental illness, and take medication for it.

The meds that I am on work well for me.

I think that it is imperative to find meds that will work for you as well if you go down that route.

I enjoy your posts on BLF, so I hope you continue posting when you can.

I’m glad you’re well covered. Good luck with your studies. :slight_smile:

I would be interested as well :smiley:

In for one unit!

“Post #7 of ”New lights and technology for 2021”“:New lights and technology for 2021 - #7 by BlueSwordM

Thank you
I guess and I wish you got your health back

Very interested in this.

Long time flashaholic part-time lurker on here

Recently looking to get a new charger and was thinking about the Vapcell s4+. Currently have a Maha for the usual Ni-MH/Eneloop and a Pila for Li-Ion. Want something that does both with better info display and features.

Also thinking about getting a new flashlight which uses a protected 21700 battery so something like this would be great.

To the creator, health and well-being is the most important thing. Take care and stay safe.

Sign me up for 1. Very interested. Hope you’re doing well.

BlueSwordm, hey look….I’m serious here too…. I only just saw your post upthread or I would have replied sooner. Sorry man. Look, I’ve read a lot of your posts and I can tell you’re a good soul. Don’t let this bullshit get you down man. It’s suppose to be fun. If it’s not fun: walk away from the pressure and come back if and when it becomes fun again. If I was with you I’d give you a hug and remind you that you…that’s YOU are so much more important than 99 percent…OK, lets call it 100%, of the bullshit that goes on here and in life.

Sounds like you got some professional assistance, that’s a good thing. Don’t forget to take some breaths, some long walks in nature, stop and smell the flowers and appreciate them and remember one thing: we all know you are a good person. All of us, and none of us are perfect either. We all carry a burden of various weights, and we all want the best for you. So remember to enjoy life and let it be a long long wonderful song instead of a stressful tense crappy time. It’s in your head….and in my head too, in all of ours. Fact. We all face the same bullshit, for some it’s even worse, and sorry if that’s the case with you - so lets all get through it together. You owe none of us nothing except respect and we need to give the same to you. So you know - you already have my respect…X3 at least. Weather this charger moves forward or not won’t change a thing to that end. Nothing at all. I’ll go buy an Xtar if I need one. For many of us this fucking thing called life is a serious rollercoaster, lets all hang in when it’s down… cause the ups are so, so good. Let this place be a fun place,: not a stress place.

Take care fren…no worries here mate. None at all. Virtual Hugs! Best to you in school and don’t sweat that either. It really all works out with enough time. Take a cleansing breath - this too shall pass and later become such a great memory. Check in when you can, and I apologize that I didn’t see that you reached out earlier. So so sorry for that, hopefully these words catch up to you when you need them and find your heart well.

Best regards and warm thoughts to you:

I’m in for one as well. No rush, hope you’re doing well!

Im in, interested in one!

Hope one day will be done.

I want one when it happens. Hang in there BSM.