Sofirn SC31 PRO, New Anduril Flashlight

Tendou, not the 5000K SC31. I just modified an older SP32A v1.

I bought a champagne v2 for the wife but I like v1, better.

Ah, I understand. The original sp31v2 without modification already do have greater power than the v2. How do you think the sc31pro 5000k stacks to those sp32av2 and v1?

The frustration with these lights is that they ALL get hot fast. The SC31 Pro 5k is closer to the 6.5k but it doesn’t keep up on throw (as expected). But it does ok on turbo for short bursts (better than I expected).

But again, these are all really cool lights and IF I lived in the thicker woods back east, I’d maybe prefer the 4K IF25a for its super natural tint (as I’d not need the throw). Indoors, the IF25a in 4K would be the favorite. It’s really all about what I am using it for.

For Kansas and seeing across the corn/bean field (several hundred yards) its going to be a 6.5k’ish light every time. If I am checking a trap line (over an hour in the field), I’d maybe take my SP32aV2 (in the 5.5k tint range) for better run time at higher lumens than the SC31 Pro :smiley:

Thank you. I’m sure to get the If25A 6000k this time. And you just make me not wanting to sell my SP32AV2.

It’s also interesting that I saw sp35 21700 are on sale again. With buck driver.

Anyone used unprotected flat top battery with this?

Yes, it comes with one in the kit.

I have sold mine so cannot confirm bit I think it comes with button top batteries.

All my ’pros came with BTs.

In fact, I can’t recall even a single Sofirn cell that was a FT, as all the ones I’m looking at are BTs.

(I always pull any come-with cells from the lights and store ’em separately.)

Seems to be true not just of the all-black 3000s but also the older black-with-silver 2800s as well.

Mine certainly did not, it was an unprotected button-top!

Yeah, you’re right. Just checked and it’s button top. Sorry.

So the question still remains. Anyone used flat top with sc31pro?

Yes. Not a problem at all ... flat top GAs, 30Qs, 35Es, 25Rs...

I have an MJ in mine today.

Have a flat top 30Q in mine today.

Works fine, has a spring at both ends.

Thank you eveyone for the confirmation. :smiley:

There is way to mod this light with triple leds?

Probably. Here's an example of modifying a similar light:

I think it might be easier with the SC31 pro because the same copper pill for an S2+ may fit this light. You'll need to extend the wire leads.

What a nightmare. My SOC8 clip wouldn’t fit in because of the switch wires and an odd component that was sticking out of the driver board so I had to solder six wires to the attiny to flash the light.

How did you guys end up securing the driver board at the end? I could use some glue but it seems like the fit is pretty snug without any adhesive

I keep the driver board loose. The battery tube keeps it in place

Fair enough, I think that’s what I did for my EC03 as well but I wanted to double check. Thanks!

ps. your photos have been helpful for me in getting several lights open. Thanks a bunch TomE!