Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

None except some numbers and thoughts. 30000 new infection, 600 deaths. Those measures cost an incredible amount of money while it cannot be argued that shutting down businesses that had developed high hygienic standards are hotspots.

Here’s that infrared camera view of aerosols, mentioned in a Washington Post link earlier:

In the USA, a lot of people in restaurants are not distancing and masking. And you can’t eat or drink while masking.

Why isn’t everybody getting the latest cocktail? Seems to work. Old, overweight people feel “great” right away if they are privileged enough to have access to it.

“Auch das Robert-Koch-Institut ging zuletzt davon aus, dass nur ein sehr kleiner Anteil der Ansteckungen hierzulande in Restaurants oder Hotels stattfindet. ”

The Robert-Koch-Institute also assumes that restaurants and hotels account for a very small fraction of the infections in Germany.

We are quite diciplined over here, and restaurants were hit so hard by the first lockdown that they invested a lot in their measures.

It has legal side-effects too—improves your lawyerin’ skills and helps fill your briefs

I’ll see your idiot politicians and raise you another idiot politician.

One moron wants to hit people with a 3buk per package surcharge for anything “non-essential” ordered online, to be used to fund the MTA (buses, trains, etc.).

Okay, so while some politicians are telling people to keep their antisocial distancing, stay home unless absolutely necessary, minimise contact and thus minimise transmission of the corovirus, this new idiot is telling people they’ll be socked with 3bux/package surcharges for buying things online, and should instead go forth into the world and “buy locally”, and yeah, pick up a side-order of corovirus on your way back.

Anyone stooooooooooopit enough to believe this surcharge will ever go away, even if the plague becomes a distant memory?

How is it yet there still aren’t politicians dangling from lampposts on every block? And why do they keep getting elected, instead?

Considering how far bad-breath stank can carry, it’s not at all all surprising. :confounded:

Two people having dinner together in a calm way at a suitably sized table in a restaurant is not likely a situation of great transmission risk, it is the other things that come with official restaurant openings that cause the transmission: more people are on the move when restaurants are open, people mix who may not mix with the restaurants closed, people use restaurant visits as an excuse for drinking alcohol together in which case restaurant visits risk becoming a party (normally nothing is wrong with parties unless in case of a deadly pandemic of a party virus). Over here we are probably not as disciplined as the germans, but those are the things that will happen in Holland (and England btw) when restaurants open while the café’s remain closed, it would need heavy enforcement to avoid escalation and turn into spreader events.

Almost everywhere most transmission occurs in home situations, but that is usually within the “bubble” of people living together and look after each other, it is often eventually a dead end for the virus. The crucial step of transmission from one bubble to other bubbles is taking place outside the home, a transmission in a cafe or restaurant has much greater impact on the epidemic. A transmission at work is something in between I think, there is contact with other bubbles but because it is (for most work situations) usually the same set of other bubbles, the effect of a work transmission on the epidemic is a bit less than during feasts (but because it is about so many people who must keep working together to keep the world going, it does have a great impact anyway).

So the white house muscles the FDA chief into a Friday approval of the vaccine? That’s gonna be real comforting to people that are already worried about the safety of the vaccine.

About as smart as this:
“WASHINGTON — A doctor who is skeptical of coronavirus vaccines and promotes the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment will be the lead witness at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday, prompting criticism from Democrats who say Republicans should not give a platform to someone who spreads conspiracy theories.”

It wasn’t in Spinal Tap, but seems like i saw something about how men like to twiddle with the knobs

More data about spread of Covid-19 in dining establishments:

Wasn’t it just recently the total deaths reached and passed 200,000?

Now says we’re at 289,535 Deaths

Dark winter indeed.

Just when you thought you heard everything… :laughing:

“Reach out and touch someone”, but from behind a wall, please.

It goes to show you, it’s always something. :rage: Younger people don’t care anyway. Lucky if they use a condom.