Led4power.com : LD-4 CC linear drivers, ILC-0/1 illuminated tailcaps, optics, MOSX, copper DTP MCPCBs...


is there something new with the shop?
I´m looking for a driver for SBT 90.2 with some (more) amps.
Powered out of 4 or 8 parallel Cells.

Thanks a lot.

Hi, it's still closed.

Any interesting news to share?


I am waiting for the reopening.

I need some Q8 4040/5050 mcpcb.

Store will be opened in first week of 2021.

Oh yeah, get your wallets ready :money_mouth_face:
Wishing you the best for this new phase of business :wink:

Thank you!

Will there be a premium shipping option to South Africa?

Registered shipping for many countries is not not available, but I see it is available for South Africa.

Looking forward to your reopening! Any new items Neven?

thanks neven….

New design of 3030,3535,4040 16 and 20mm DTP PCBs, Osram CULNM1.TG for now.

I have never seen 3030 or 4040 multi-emitter boards, like this or the quads here (hint, hint).

so did you start the work on the sofirn 2700 kit yet?

Any time frame when the shop will be open buddy ?

From post #1374:

Notice: on 28th Dec a quite strong earthquake (for this area at least) with 6,4 magnitude struck Croatia, epicenter was just about 6km from my business address which caused some damage to building, so building is closed for safety reasons.

Because of this, store opening is postponed until further notice.

Good to hear you’re OK. I was worried. Take your time :+1:

Safety first. Flashlights can wait. Glad you’re okay.

Good luck with the repairs, I hope you had some insurance for this. You were very unlucky to have been so close to the epicenter :open_mouth: