Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

Sometimes ya gotta take matters into your own hands. Sure, it’s not a production light but one of my SP10S’s is now running Anduril2 via an adapter board.

Note: for the voltage divider, I accidentally picked a pin on ADC1 instead of ADC0. Rather than hacking Anduril to switch between the two ADC’s (temperature sensor is on ADC0), I just ran an airwire. Not great, but it works.

Nice fix/mod! I love the light but don’t like the interface so maybe I’ll do something similar in the future… I suppose it’s 14500-only now? Or do AA batteries still work? Do you have the files on GitHub so other people can create this too? Maybe you can sell it on Tindy too :slight_smile:

EDIT: Can you also maybe slightly increase the board dimensions so you can have a programming header and flash other Anduril versions? Although 2 would be perfect I guess, I mostly just use the battery-check functionality and ramping…

gchart, when you get a chance, get us all caught up on the ramifications of this, and some details on the Anduril2 mods.

I'm assuming there's limits based on the driver hardware design.

For the board, was there a reason you didn't go with the 0.8 mm thickness? It looks to be the default 1.6 mm. I've even got boards done in the flex option, super thin, just to see what it looks like - pretty amazing.

Nope, it’s still AA or 14500. I’ve branched ToyKeeper’s repo (link) with my 1-Series modifications. I’ll get this board pushed up in the next couple of days. But I want to modify the PCB to avoid the airwire. Also, there are already programming pads (see the 3 vias with + and R?), they’re just not accessible when the light is reassembled unfortunately.

At this point I don’t think there are any limitations or ramifications. I tried an adapter board with the 0.8mm (for a different flashlight) but it didn’t go to well because the vias for the castellated edges ripped off the board easily

So with both primary/NiMh and 14500's, low moon is do-able, as well as high PWM rates, or no PWM? That would be pretty nice...

Ohhh - shame about the thinner board not working, but still, the thick one seems to fit ok.

Wonder if the main driver board can be drilled out to expose the programming pads? Dunno, might be traces there.

This would be an instant in for me

It’s possible that it could be made to work. I probably should have used larger vias and put the squares around them. Lessons learned. I might try with the next batch but the 1.6mm worked just fine.

Some runtime tests I did today on my Anduril2-modded SP10S:

Edit: these runtimes were from before I had a maukka calibration light. They’re probably 20% high.

The light was still running when I terminated the tests. Lithium was sitting at 2.9 volts and the Eneloop was around 1.0 volts if I remember correctly. There were just petering along at 3 lumens for a while and I didn’t feel like waiting any longer.

Oh, and the lowest levels are sub-lumen :sunglasses:

:crown: :+1: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Oh, and the quiescent current (standby drain) on Eneloop is only 40uA.

I will take it! :innocent:

Great work gchart!

gchart you’re a genius :nerd_face:

cant wait for the light production

Proof of concept… 750+ post later with nothing so far from Sofirn. Perhaps next year (like one week from now Sofirn!)

Barry said 14500 could happen last summer (which would be ok with me), but my fear lately is final cost when this thing is (finally/maybe) done… will be no better than current offerings!

My last SP10s was like $13 shipped and I’m thinking those days are over :cry:

I do agree, that is a bit sad. But if nothing else, this hopefully sparks conversation with Sofirn up again. No promises, however there are some PM’s happening in the background :wink:

Those runtimes look pretty good to me. Looks like the default temp of 45C was used. We know temp is calibrated because the 1616 MCU is factory calibrated - takes the guess work out of it, plus wayyy easier out of the box to set up.

I think TK's thermal regulation algorithm is working well with this light in 14500 and NiMH.

Amazing work, gchart. Hope you can point Sofirn in the right direction.

Awesome! Just a different MCU, that’s all? Sofirn could do this easily! Nothing else has to change, just the routing of a few traces, done. I really wonder why they haven’t done this yet.

Great work gchart.
But Sofirn need to made smooth knurling instead pineapple and remove sharp edges
On this light

I will get in touch with Sofirn as of next week to discuss gchart‘s and Tom E‘s awesome news. I really hope they can adopt this blueprint for the series production. I keep you updated as soon as I get any significant news.